ANNOgesic’s subcommands

In general, the subcommands need at least one argument - the analysis folder. If it is not given, ANNOgesic assumes the current folder as the analysis folder. All the default settings were tested on several different organisms and produced in general good results. A user can perform an analysis rather easily which those default values and step-wise adapt the parameters to optimize the results if needed.

The format of filename

In order to recognize file types as well as relation of genome name and features, please use following principle of filename designation:

The genome filenames should be the same as the annotation file designation, i.e. NC_007795.fa, NC_007795.gff, NC_007795.ptt, NC_007795.rnt, NC_007705.gbk.

For all input gff files for ANNOgesic please use following format: $GENOME_$FEATURE.gff. For an example, NC_007795_TSS.gff, NC_007795_transcript.gff.

Possible feature names are:

Feature name meaning
TSS transcription starting site
processing processing site
transcript transcript
sRNA small RNA
sORF small open reading frame
term terminator
circRNA circular RNA
riboswitch riboswitch
RNA_thermometer RNA_thermometer

Please avoid | in the filename and genome name of Gff3 files or fasta file.

The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic

Some ANNOgesic modules require certain library information. Please use following format:


$LIBRARY_FILENAME means the .wig file.

$LIBRARY_TYPE can be tex (TEX+) or notex (TEX-) or frag (fragmented/conventional).

$CONDITION is the index of conditions. Please use 1, 2, 3, … to represent different conditions.

$REPLICATE is the index of replicates. Please use a, b, c, … to represent different replicates.

$STRAND is the strand of wiggle file. Please use + or -.

All libraries should be seperated by colons and listed in one line, like shown in the example above, i.e. for TEX +/- treated libraries:

TSB_OD_0.2_TEX_reverse.wig:tex:1:a:- \
TSB_OD_0.5_TEX_reverse.wig:tex:2:a:- \
TSB_OD_0.2_TEX_forward.wig:tex:1:a:+ \
TSB_OD_0.5_TEX_forward.wig:tex:2:a:+ \
TSB_OD_0.2_reverse.wig:notex:1:a:- \
TSB_OD_0.5_reverse.wig:notex:2:a:- \
TSB_OD_0.2_forward.wig:notex:1:a:+ \

or for fragmented libraries (RNA-Seq generated after transcript fragmentation):

fragmented_forward.wig:frag:1:a:+ fragmented_reverse.wig:frag:1:a:-

If only conventional RNA-seq data without fragmentation or TEX treated can be provided, it can still be assigned to fragmented libraries. However, it may influence the results.

log file for storing the details of each module

If the user needs to check the details of the running of each module, log.txt can be found in the output folder of each module. These files include the full paths of the external tools, the required versions of the tools, the running commands of the tools and the full paths of the output files.

create (create analysis folder)

create generates the folders for analysis. Once created, please move the required files into the corresponding folders.

The folders are following:

input: Stores all input files.

BAMs: For .bam files. BAMs_map_related_genomes is for the .bam files which are mapped on closely related genomes of the reference genomes. BAMs_map_reference_genomes is for the .bam files which are mapped on the reference genomes.

databases: For all databases.

manual_TSSs: If the manual detected transcription starting sites (TSSs) can be provided, it can be stored here for running TSS_optimization or merging the automatic predicted ones and manual detected ones. Please use gff3 format.

manual_processing_sites: It is similar to manual_TSS, but for processing sites.

mutation_table: If the mutation table between the closely ralated genomes and reference genomes is provided, please put the file here. Please check the section of update_genome_fasta (update reference genome fasta file) for the format of mutation table.

reads: For running circrna with mapping reads by ANNOgesic, please put the reads here. .bzip2 and .gzip as input is accepted.

references: For annotation files and fasta files. If they can be downloaded from NCBI, the files can also be obtained via running get_input_files (download required files).

riboswitch_ID_file: For storing the file which contains all the Rfam IDs of riboswitches. For format details, please check the section of riboswitch_thermometer (riboswitch and RNA thermometer detection).

RNA_thermometer_ID_file: For storing the file which contains all the Rfam IDs of RNA thermometer. For format details, please check the section of riboswitch_thermometer (riboswitch and RNA thermometer detection).

wigs: For wiggle files. Based on the methods of RNA-Seq, wiggle files can be stored in fragment (fragmented/conventional libraries) or tex_notex (TEX +/- treated libraries).

output: Stores all output files.

  • Arguments
usage: annogesic create --project_path PROJECT_PATH

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Name/path of the project

get_input_files (download required files)

get_input_files is the subcommand for downloading required files (fasta, annotation files) from NCBI. Therefore, the web address of the reference genome in NCBI needs to be assigned. For an example, Then, the user can assign the file type for download.

  • Reqired information

FTP source: The IP of NCBI.

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic get_input_files --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                 --ftp_path FTP_PATH [--ref_fasta]
                                 [--ref_gff] [--ref_gbk]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --ftp_path FTP_PATH, -F FTP_PATH
                        Path of folder on the NCBI FTP server where the
                        required files are located.
  --ref_fasta, -f       Download fasta files of the reference. Default is
  --ref_gff, -g         Download gff files of the reference. Default is False.
  --ref_gbk, -k         Download genbank files of the reference. Default is
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --ref_ptt, -p         Download ptt files of the reference. Default is False.
  --ref_rnt, -r         Download rnt files of the reference. Default is False.
  --convert_embl, -e    Convert gbk to embl files of the reference. Default is

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files will be stored in $ANNOgesic_folder/input/reference

Output folder names are following:

fasta: Fasta files.

annotation: Annotation files.

update_genome_fasta (update reference genome fasta file)

If fasta files of the reference genomes do not exist, update_genome_fasta can update fasta files from the closely related genomes to our reference genomes via searching the mutations. Therefore, a table of mutation information is required. For the format of the table, please check mutation table. Titles of the columns are presented on the top and they need to start with #. The format is basically the same as VCF format.

If no mutation information is provided, snp can be used for detecting mutations. (one module of ANNOgesic). Please check the section of snp (SNP calling).

  • Required files

Fasta files of reference genome

Mutation table: Contains the information of mutations between related and reference genomes. For an example, please check mutation table.

  • Arguments
usage: annogesic update_genome_fasta [-h] --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                     --related_fasta_files RELATED_FASTA_FILES
                                     [RELATED_FASTA_FILES ...]
                                     --mutation_table MUTATION_TABLE
                                     --updated_seq_name UPDATED_SEQ_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Path of the genome fasta files of the closely related
  --mutation_table MUTATION_TABLE, -m MUTATION_TABLE
                        Path of the mutation table which stores the mutation
                        information between the reference genome and genome of
                        the closely related species. For an example check
  --updated_seq_name UPDATED_SEQ_NAME, -u UPDATED_SEQ_NAME
                        The file name of the updated sequence. The output
                        fasta file name will be --updated_seq_name.fa.
  • Output files

Fasta files of updated genome: The updated fasta files are stored in $ANNOgesic_folder/output/updated_references/fasta_files.

annotation_transfer (annotation transfer)

annotation transfer is the subcommand for transferring the annotation from the closely related genomes to the reference genomes. To achieve this, RATT is integrated in ANNOgesic. The higher similarity between closely related genomes and reference genomes are, the more precise the performance is. Before running annotation transfer, please run source $PAGIT_HOME/sourceme.pagit first. it will modify the path for executing RATT. If you use Dockerfile to execute ANNOgesic, the path modification can be skipped. If the error message related to ‘defined(@array)’ shows, please check FAQ.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

Annotation files of the closely related genomes: Genbank/embl files of the closely related genomes.

Fasta files of the closely related genomes

Fasta files of the updated genomes

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic annotation_transfer --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                 --compare_pair COMPARE_PAIR
                                 [COMPARE_PAIR ...]
                                 [--related_embl_files RELATED_EMBL_FILES [RELATED_EMBL_FILES ...]]
                                 [--related_gbk_files RELATED_GBK_FILES [RELATED_GBK_FILES ...]]
                                 --related_fasta_files RELATED_FASTA_FILES
                                 [RELATED_FASTA_FILES ...]
                                 --target_fasta_files TARGET_FASTA_FILES
                                 [TARGET_FASTA_FILES ...]
                                 [--additional arguments]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Please assign the sequence identifier of genome pairs,
                        e.g. NC_007795:NEW_NC_007795. The related genome is
                        NC_007795 and the target genome is NEW_NC_007795. The
                        assigned names are the headers of the fasta file
                        (start with ">"), not the filename of fasta file. If
                        the headers contain space or '|', only the string from
                        '>' to the first space or '|' will be considered as
                        the name for --compare_pair (normally this part is the
                        accession number). If multiple sequences need to be
                        assigned, please use spaces to separate them.
                        The paths of the embl files of the related species. If
                        --related_embl_files is assigned, --related_gbk_files
                        is not needed.
                        The paths of the genbank files of the related species.
                        The genbank can be ended by .gbk, .gbff or .gb. If
                        --related_gbk_files is assigned, --related_embl_files
                        is not needed.
                        The paths of the fasta files of the related species.
                        The paths of the target fasta files.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --ratt_path RATT_PATH
                        Path of the file of RATT folder. Default
  --element ELEMENT, -e ELEMENT
                        --element will become the prefix of all output
                        file.Default is "chromosome".
  --transfer_type TRANSFER_TYPE, -t TRANSFER_TYPE
                        The transfer type for running RATT. (For the details,
                        please refer to the manual of RATT.) Default is

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files from RATT will be stored in $ANNOgesic_folder/output/annotation_transfer.

Annotation files (.gff, .ptt, .rnt) will be stored in $ANNOgesic_folder/output/updated_references/annotations.

snp (SNP calling)

snp can analyze the alignment files and fasta files to detect mutations by running Samtools and Bcftools. There are multiple programs which can be applied to detect mutations (with BAQ, without BAQ and extend BAQ) and there are multiple flag options to set filters (QUAL, DP, DP4, etc.). Moreover, snp can also be used for generating the fasta files of reference genomes if it is necessary.

  • Required tools



  • Required files

BAM files: BAM files from fragmented/conventional libraries or TEX +/- treated libraries both can be accepted. For assigning the files, please follow the format – $SET_NAME:$BAMFILE1,$BAMFILE2,.... For an example, the user has four bam files of one genome. Then the input will be set1:sample1.bam,sample2.bam,sample3.bam,sample4.bam.

Fasta files of the closely related genomes or Fasta files of the reference genomes

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic snp [-h] --project_path PROJECT_PATH --bam_type
                     {related_genome,reference_genome} --program
                     [{with_BAQ,without_BAQ,extend_BAQ} ...] --fasta_files
                     FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...] --bam_files BAM_FILES
                     [BAM_FILES ...] [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --bam_type {related_genome,reference_genome}, -t {related_genome,reference_genome}
                        If the BAM files are produced by mapping to a related
                        genome, please assign "related_genome". the mutations
                        between the related genome and the refernce genome can
                        be detected for generating sequence of the query
                        genome. If the BAM files are produced by mapping to
                        the reference genome, please assign
                        "reference_genome". The mutations of reference genome
                        can be detected.
  --program {with_BAQ,without_BAQ,extend_BAQ} [{with_BAQ,without_BAQ,extend_BAQ} ...], -p {with_BAQ,without_BAQ,extend_BAQ} [{with_BAQ,without_BAQ,extend_BAQ} ...]
                        The program for detecting SNPs: "with_BAQ",
                        "without_BAQ", "extend_BAQ". Multi-programs can be
                        executed at the same time (separated by spaces). For
                        example, with_BAQ without_BAQ extend_BAQ.
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
  --bam_files BAM_FILES [BAM_FILES ...], -b BAM_FILES [BAM_FILES ...]
                        Path of input BAM files. Required format:
                        $SET_NAME:$BAM1,$BAM2,... . If multiple sets need to
                        be assigned, please use spaces to separate them.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --samtools_path SAMTOOLS_PATH
                        Path of samtools.
  --bcftools_path BCFTOOLS_PATH
                        Path of bcftools.
  --quality QUALITY, -q QUALITY
                        The minimum quality score of a mutation. Default is
  --read_depth_range READ_DEPTH_RANGE, -d READ_DEPTH_RANGE
                        The range of read depth for a mutation. The format is
                        $MIN,$MAX. It can be assigned by different types: 1.
                        real number ("r"), 2. times of the number of bam files
                        (counted from --bam_files) ("n") or 3. times of the
                        average read depth ("a"). For example, n_10,a_3 is
                        assigned. If the average read depth is 70 and 4 bam
                        files are provided, n_10 will be 40 and a_3 will be
                        140 (average read depth * 3). Based on the same
                        example, if this value is r_10,a_3, the minimum read
                        depth will become exact 10 reads. If "none" is
                        assigned, read depth will not be considered. Default
                        is n_10,none.
  --ploidy {haploid,diploid}, -pl {haploid,diploid}
                        The query genome is haploid or diploid. Default is
  --rg_tag, -R          For one BAM file which includes multiple samples
                        (opposite of --ignore-RG in samtools). Default is
  --caller {c,m}, -c {c,m}
                        The types of caller - consensus-caller or
                        multiallelic-caller. For details, please check
                        documentation of bcftools. "c" represents consensus-
                        caller. "m" represents multiallelic-caller. Default is
  --dp4_cutoff DP4_CUTOFF, -D DP4_CUTOFF
                        The cutoff of DP4. The format is
                        $MIN_SNP_READS_NUMBER can be assigned by three types:
                        1. fix number ("r"), 2. times of the number of bam
                        files (counted from --bam_files) ("n") or 3. times of
                        average read depth ("a"). For example, n_10,0.8. If
                        the BAM files are 4, it means the minimum mapped reads
                        of a SNP is 40 (4 * 10), and the minimum ratio of
                        mapped read of a SNP (mapped reads of a SNP / total
                        reads) is 0.8. Default is n_10,0.8.
  --indel_fraction INDEL_FRACTION, -if INDEL_FRACTION
                        The minimum IDV and IMF which supports for insertion
                        of deletion. The minimum IDV can be assigned by
                        different types: 1. fix number ("r"), 2. times of the
                        number of bam files (assigned by --bam_files) ("n") or
                        3. times of the average read depth ("a"). The input
                        format is $MIN_IDF:$MIN_IMF. For example, The value is
                        n_10,0.8 and 4 BAM files are assigned. The minimum IDV
                        is 40, and the minimum IMF is 0.8. Default is
                        For using more filters to improve the detection.
                        Please assign 1. the name of a tag, 2. bigger ("b") or
                        smaller ("s") and 3. the value of the filter. For
                        example, "RPB_b0.1,MQ0F_s0" means that RPB should be
                        bigger than 0.1 and MQ0F should be smaller than 0.
                        Default is RPB_b0.1,MQSB_b0.1,MQB_b0.1,BQB_b0.1.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

If bam_type is related_genome, the results will be stored in $ANNOgesic/output/SNP_calling/compare_related_and_reference_genomes. If bam_type is reference_genome, the results will be stored in $ANNOgesic/output/SNP_calling/mutations_of_reference_genomes.

The output folders and results are following:

SNP_raw_output: Stores output tables which be only considered read depth and QUAL.

VCF Table (only consider read depth and QUAL): Filename is $GENOME_$PROGRAM_$SET.vcf.

SNP_table: Stores two types of output tables

VCF Table (consider all filters): Filename is $GENOME_$PROGRAM_$SET_best.vcf.

Index of fasta files:: Filename is $GENOME_$PROGRAM_$SET_seq_reference.csv. The meaning of this file is like following example:

Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003     1632629 .       AaA     AA      57      .
Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003     1632630 .       aA      a       57      .
Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003     1499572 .       T       TT,TTTTT        43.8525 .

The example contains position conflict and mutation conflict. As a result, the conflicts will affect the other mutation’s positions. Therefore, it will generate four different fasta files. The first two lines are position conflict, and the last line is mutation conflict. $GENOME_$PROGRAM_$SET_seq_reference.csv is the index for these four fasta files.

1       1632629 1       1499572:TT      Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003
1       1632629 2       1499572:TTTTT   Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003
2       1632630 1       1499572:TT      Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003
2       1632630 2       1499572:TTTTT   Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003

The first column is the index of the position conflict. The second column is the selected position. The third one is the index of the mutations conflict. The fourth one is the selected position and nucleotides. The last column is the genome name.

Potential fasta files: Filename is $FASTANAME_$SET_$STRIANNAME_$INDEXofPOSITIONCONNFLICT_$INDEXofMUTATIONCONFLICT.fa, and it is stored in $ANNOgesic/output/SNP_calling/$BAM_TYPE/seqs. Based on the example in Index of fasta files, Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003_set1_Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003_1_1.fa will be generated based on the first line of $GENOME_$PROGRAM_seq_reference.csv. Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003_set1_Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003_1_2.fa and will be generated based on the second line of $GENOME_$PROGRAM_seq_reference.csv and so forth.

statistics: Stores the statistic files and figures, ex: the distribution of SNPs based on QUAL.

tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction)

tss_ps can generate the TSS and processing sites via running TSSpredator. Since the parameters can affect the results strongly, optimize_tss_ps can obtain the optimized parameters of TSSpredator. Please check the section optimize_tss_ps (optimization of TSS and processing site detection) for details.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

Wiggle files of TEX +/-: Please check the section The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic for assigning correct format.

Fasta files of the reference genomes

GFF files of the reference genomes

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the manual detected TSSs: If gff file of the manual detected TSSs can be provided, tss_ps can merge the manual detected TSSs and TSSpredator predicted ones.

Gff files of transcripts: If comparing TSSs with transcripts is required, gff files of the transcripts need to be assigned. For the transcripts, please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic tss_ps --project_path PROJECT_PATH --program {TSS,PS}
                        --fasta_files FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...]
                        --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                        [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS
                        [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]
                        --condition_names CONDITION_NAMES
                        [CONDITION_NAMES ...]
                        [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --program {TSS,PS}, -p {TSS,PS}
                        The feature to predict. Please assign "TSS" or "PS".
                        Default is "TSS".
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc.
                        TEX+/- wig files for TSSpredator. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
                        This value is the minimal number of replicates that a
                        TSS has to be detected in. The format is
                        $NUMBERofCONDITION_$NUMBERofREPLICATE. If different
                        --replicate_tex values need to be assigned to
                        different conditions, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For example, 1_2 2_2 3_3 means that
                        --replicate_tex is 2 in number 1 and number 2
                        conditions. In number 3 condition, --replicate_tex is
                        3. For assigning the same --replicate_tex to all
                        conditions, just use like all_1 (--replicate_tex is 1
                        in all conditions).
                        The output prefix of all conditions. If multiple
                        conditions need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate them. For an example, prefix_condition1
  --output_id OUTPUT_ID, -oi OUTPUT_ID
                        The tag of attributes will be used for TSS
                        classification. Default is locus_tag.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --tsspredator_path TSSPREDATOR_PATH
                        Path of TSSpredator. Default is
                        If optimize_tss_ps has been done before,
                        --auto_load_optimized_parameters can automatically
                        load the optimized parameters for the detection by
                        specifying the folder of "optimized_TSSpredator"
                        containing all output of "optimize_tss_ps".If the
                        parameters need to be assigned manually, please do not
                        turn on this function and assign the parameters to
                        --parameter_sets. Default is None.
  --genome_order GENOME_ORDER [GENOME_ORDER ...]
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. It is the order for applying the parameters
                        (--height, --height_reduction, --factor,
                        --factor_reduction, --base_height,
                        --enrichment_factor, and --processing_factor) of
                        TSSpedator to genomes, ex: if --genome_order is
                        "NC_002505.1 NC_002506.1" and --height is "0.3 0.5",
                        0.3 will be used as --height to NC_002505.1 and 0.5
                        will be used to NC_002506.1. Default is applying one
                        parameter set to all genomes.
  --height HEIGHT [HEIGHT ...], -he HEIGHT [HEIGHT ...]
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. This value relates to the minimal number of read
                        starts at a certain genomic position to be considered
                        as a TSS candidate. If using different --height to
                        multiple genomes is required, please use spaces to
                        split the input values. The order should match
                        --genome_order. For the details, please check
                        --geonme_order. Default is 0.3.
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. When comparing different genomes/conditions and
                        the step height threshold is reached in at least one
                        genome/condition, the threshold is reduced for the
                        other genomes/conditions by the value set here. This
                        value must be smaller than the step height threshold.
                        If using different --height_reduction to multiple
                        genomes is required, please use spaces to split the
                        input values. The order should match --genome_order.
                        For the details, please check --geonme_order. Default
                        is 0.2.
  --factor FACTOR [FACTOR ...], -fa FACTOR [FACTOR ...]
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. The minimal factor by which the TSS height has to
                        exceed the local expression background. If using
                        different --factor to multiple genomes is required,
                        please use spaces to split the input values. The order
                        should match --genome_order. For the details, please
                        check --geonme_order. Default is 2.0.
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. When comparing different genomes/conditions and
                        the step factor threshold is reached in at least one
                        genome/condition, the threshold is reduced for the
                        other genomes/conditions by the value set here. This
                        value must be smaller than the step factor threshold.
                        If using different --factor_reduction to multiple
                        genomes is required, please use spaces to split the
                        input values. The order should match --genome_order.
                        For the details, please check --geonme_order. Default
                        is 0.5.
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. The minimal enrichment factor. If using different
                        --enrichment_factor to multiple genomes is required,
                        please use spaces to split the input values. The order
                        should match --genome_order. For the details, please
                        check --geonme_order. Default is 2.0.
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. The minimal processing factor. If the value for
                        the untreated library is higher than the treated
                        library the positionsis considered as a processing
                        site and not annotated as detected. If using different
                        --processing_factor to multiple genomes is required,
                        please use spaces to split the input values. The order
                        should match --genome_order. For the details, please
                        check --geonme_order. Default is 1.5.
  --base_height BASE_HEIGHT [BASE_HEIGHT ...], -bh BASE_HEIGHT [BASE_HEIGHT ...]
                        It only works when --auto_load_optimized_parameters is
                        off. The minimal number of reads should be mapped on
                        TSS/PS. If using different --base_height to multiple
                        genomes is required, please use spaces to split the
                        input values. The order should match --genome_order.
                        For the details, please check --geonme_order. Default
                        is 0.0.
  --utr_length UTR_LENGTH, -u UTR_LENGTH
                        The length of UTRs. Default is 300.
  --tolerance TOLERANCE, -to TOLERANCE
                        The 5'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated TSSs (--compare_transcript_files is
                        provided). Default is 5.
  --cluster CLUSTER, -c CLUSTER
                        This value defines the maximal distance (nucleotides)
                        between TSS candidates have to be clustered together.
                        If the distance between these multiple TSSs is smaller
                        or equal to this value, only one of them will be
                        printed out. Default is 2.
                        If gff files of the manual checked TSS are provided,
                        this function will merge manual checked ones and
                        TSSpredator predicted ones. Please assign the path of
                        manual-checked TSS gff files.
                        The length of the sequence used for the manual set of
                        TSS/PS. This value is required to calculate the
                        accurracy. If the whole genome was used write "all".
                        Otherwise use the name of the reference sequence in
                        the folowing format: $GENOME:SLENGTH. Multiple entries
                        are accepted. For an example, test.gff contains two
                        sequences s1 and s2. For s1 100 kb were checked while
                        for s2 the whole sequence was curated. The value of
                        this argument would be s1:100000 s2:all. Per default
                        all the full length of all sequences will be used.
  --validate_gene, -v   Using TSS candidates to validate genes in annotation
                        file. it will be store in statistics folder. Default
                        is False.
                        If the paths of transcript gff files are provided,
                        this function will compare TSS and transcript to
                        obtain the overlap information. Default is False.
  --re_check_orphan, -ro
                        If there is no information of gene or locus_tag in
                        genome annotation gff file, all TSSs will be assigned
                        to orphan TSSs by TSSpredator. The function can
                        compare TSSs with CDSs to classify the TSS correctly.
                        Default is False.
  --remove_overlap_feature, -of
                        If a processing site and a TSS are overlaping, keep
                        "TSS", The predicted feature (based on --program) will
                        be removed. Default is False.
                        If --overlap_feature is "TSS" or "PS",
                        --reference_gff_files need to be assigned. For TSS
                        prediction, please assign the path of processing site.
                        For processing site prediction, please assign the path
                        of TSS. Don't use this flag if --overlap_feature is
                        For removing the low expressed TSS by comparing the
                        manual detected TSSs and predicted ones. Please assign
                        the manual-checked TSS in gff format.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

The results of TSS are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/TSSs, and the results of processing site are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/processing_sites.

The output folders are following:

MasterTables: MasterTable from TSSpredator.

statistics: Statistic files.

Venn Figures of TSS types: Filename is TSS_venn_$GENOME.png.

TSS types with corresponding amounts: Table is stat_TSS_class_$GENOME.csv, and Figure is TSS_class_$GENOME.png.

Conditions with corresponding amounts: stat_TSS_libs_$GENOME.csv stores all combination of conditions with corresponding amounts. TSSstatistics.tsv stores the number of TSS which can be detected or missing in each condition.

Comparing TSSs with other features: stat_compare_TSS_transcript_$GENOME.csv is for comparing TSSs with transcripts. stat_gene_vali_$GENOME.csv is for comparing TSS with genome annotations like CDSs.

Comparing manual detected TSSs and predicted TSSs: In stat_compare_TSSpredator_manual_$GENOME.csv, the accuracy of TSS prediction can be found.

configs: Configuration files for running TSSpredator.

gffs: Output gff files of TSSs. Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the TSS gff files. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific TSS. The tags are as following:

method: Stores the information that this TSS is detected by manual detection or TSSpredator.

type: TSS type of this TSS. It could be Primary, Secondary, Internal, Antisense or Orphan.

utr_length: UTR length of this TSS.

associated_gene: Which genes are associated with this TSS.

Parent: Presents the parent transcripts of this TSS, if the user has compared TSS with the transcript.

libs: Shows in which libraries the TSS can be detected.

transcript (transcript detection)

transcript can detect transcripts based on the coverage. Most of the transcript assembly tools are focus on eukaryotic transcript. Due to this, we constructed a subcommand which is based on the nucleotide coverage data, given gene annotations and several parameters that can be set by the user.

  • Required files

Wiggle files of fragmented/conventional libraries or TEX+/- treated libraries: For importing the information about libraries, please check the section The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic.

  • Optional input files

TSS gff files: If the user wants to compare transcripts with TSSs, TSS gff files are required. Please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

Gff files of genome anntations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc: If the user wants to compare transcripts with genome annotations or modify transcript based on genome annotations like CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, genome annotation gff files are required. There are four options for modification of transcripts:

merge_overlap: If multiple transcripts overlap the same gene, they will be merged as one complete transcript.

extend_3end: If the transcript starts at the upstream of the gene and ends within the gene, the end point of the transcript will be extended to the end point of gene.

extend_5end: If the transcript starts within the gene and ends at the downstream of gene, the starting point of the transcript will be extended to the starting point of the gene.

within_extend_ends: If the transcript is within the gene, the two ends of the transcript will be extended to the two ends of gene.

none: Transcripts will not be modified by the genome annotations

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic transcript --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                        [--annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]]
                        [--modify_transcript {merge_overlap,extend_3end,extend_5end,within_extend_ends,none} [{merge_overlap,extend_3end,extend_5end,within_extend_ends,none} ...]]
                        [--tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]]
                        [--frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]]
                        [--replicate_tex REPLICATE_TEX [REPLICATE_TEX ...]]
                        [--replicate_frag REPLICATE_FRAG [REPLICATE_FRAG ...]]
                        [--tex_notex {1,2}] [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc. TSS gff files and terminator
                        gff files need to be separately assigned to
                        --tss_files and --terminator_files, respectively.
  --modify_transcript {merge_overlap,extend_3end,extend_5end,within_extend_ends,none} [{merge_overlap,extend_3end,extend_5end,within_extend_ends,none} ...], -mt {merge_overlap,extend_3end,extend_5end,within_extend_ends,none} [{merge_overlap,extend_3end,extend_5end,within_extend_ends,none} ...]
                        If --annotation_files is provided, the post-
                        modification of transcript based on genome annotations
                        can be assigned. There are five opetions. 1.
                        "merge_overlap": if multiple transcripts overlap with
                        the same gene, they will be merged as one complete
                        transcript. 2. "extend_3end": if a transcript starts
                        at the upstream of a gene and ends within the gene,
                        the end point of the transcript will be extended to
                        the end point of the gene. 3. "extend_5end": if a
                        transcript starts within a gene and ends at the
                        downstream of gene, the starting point of the
                        transcript will be extended to the starting point of
                        the gene. 4. "within_extend_ends": if a transcript is
                        within a gene, the two ends of the transcript will be
                        extended to the two ends of gene. 5. "none": the
                        transcript will not be modified by the genome
                        annotations. For using mutliple modifications, please
                        separated them by spaces. Default is merge_overlapped.
                        TEX+/- wig files. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...], -fl FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]
                        Wig files of RNA-Seq with transcript fragmented. The
                        format is: wig_file_path:frag:condition_id(integer):re
                        plicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple wig
                        files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
                        This value is the minimal number of replicates that a
                        transcript has to be detected in. The format is
                        $NUMBERofCONDITION_$NUMBERofREPLICATE. If different
                        --replicate_tex values need to be assigned to
                        different conditions, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For example, 1_2 2_2 3_3 means that
                        --replicate_tex is 2 in number 1 and number 2
                        conditions. In number 3 condition, --replicate_tex is
                        3. For assigning the same --replicate_tex to all
                        conditions, just use like all_1 (--replicate_tex is 1
                        in all conditions).
                        Similar to --replicates_tex. This value is for
                        fragmented (or conventional) libraries.
  --tex_notex {1,2}, -te {1,2}
                        The value is for TEX+/- libraries to decide the
                        transcript should be detected in both (TEX+ and TEX-,
                        assigned by 2) or can be detected in only one library
                        (TEX+ or TEX-, assigned by 1). Please assign 1 or 2.
                        Default is 1.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --length LENGTH, -l LENGTH
                        The minimum length of the transcript after modifying
                        base on genome annotation. Default is 20.
  --height HEIGHT, -he HEIGHT
                        The minimum coverage of the transcript. If --tex_notex
                        is 2, the average coverage of TEX+ and TEX- libraries
                        should be higher than this value. The default is 10.
  --width WIDTH, -w WIDTH
                        The minimum length of the transcript without modifying
                        by genome annotation. The default is 20.
  --tolerance TOLERANCE, -t TOLERANCE
                        The number of nucleotides which coveraes can drop
                        below the --height in a transcript. The default is 5.
                        The minimum coverage of the nucleotides which match
                        the situation of --tolerance, Default is 0.
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -ct TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of TSS files for comparing transcripts and TSSs.
                        If --compare_genome_annotation is provided, please
                        assign the feature for comparing. Multiple features
                        can be separated by spaces. Default is None.
  --tss_tolerance TSS_TOLERANCE, -tt TSS_TOLERANCE
                        The 5'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated TSSs (--tss_files is provided). Default is
                        Paths of terminator gff files for comparing
                        transcripts and terminators. Default is None.
                        The 3'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated terminators. Default is 30.
                        For generating the figure of distribution of
                        transcript length, please assign the maximum length.
                        Default is 2000.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/transcripts.

The generated output folders are as following:

tables: Table of transcript with more details. The meanings of the columns in the table are following:

Genome: Genome name.

Name: Transcript name in the gff file.

Start: Starting point of this transcript.

End: End point of this transcript.

Strand: Strand of this transcript.

Detect_lib_type: This transcript can be detected in fragmented/conventional or TEX+/- libraries.

Associated_gene: Which genes are associated with this transcript.

Associated_tss: Which TSSs are located on this transcript.

Associated_term: Which terminators are associated with this transcript.

Avg_coverage:$LIB_NAME: Stores the average coverage information of the libraries about this transcript.

statistics: Stores statistic files.

Comparing transcript with other features: stat_compare_transcript_genome_$GENOMENAME.csv is for comparing transcript with genome annotation like CDSs, stat_compare_transcript_TSS_$GENOMENAME.csv is for comparing transcript with TSS, and stat_compare_transcript_terminator_$GENOMENAME.csv is for comparing transcript with terminator.

Figure of the distribution of transcript length: $GENOME_length_all.png is for analyzing of all transcript length. $GENOME_length_less_$LENGTH.png is for the analyzing of the assigned length.

gffs: Stores gff files of transcripts. Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the transcript gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific transcript. The tags are as following:

compare_$FEATURE: State of overlap between transcripts and features (If --compare_feature_genome and --annotation_files are assigned). The value may be cover, right_shift, left_shift, within or no_related.

associated_tss: Shows which TSSs are located on this transcript (If --tss_files is assigned).

associated_term: Shows which terminators are located on this transcript (If --terminator_files is assigned).

associated_$FEATURE: Shows that the features are located on this transcript (If --compare_feature_genome and --annotation_files are assigned).

detect_lib: This transcript is detected by Tex-treated libraries or fragmented/conventional libraries.

best_avg_coverage: The average coverage of the highest expressed library within this transcript.

terminator (terminator detection)

terminator will predict the rho-independent terminators. ANNOgesic combines the results of two methods in order to get more reliable candidates. The first method is using TranstermHP. The other one detects the specific secondary structure between converging pairs of transcripts and CDSs. ANNOgesic can check the coverages in order to generate the terminators which have coverage significant decrease.

  • Required tools


RNAfold of ViennaRNA.

  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

Fasta files of the genome sequences

Wiggle files of TEX +/- treated libraries or fragmented/conventional libraries

Gff files of the transcripts: Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic terminator --project_path PROJECT_PATH --fasta_files
                            FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...] --annotation_files
                            ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]
                            --transcript_files TRANSCRIPT_FILES
                            [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...]
                            [--tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]]
                            [--frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]]
                            [--tex_notex {1,2}]
                            [--replicate_tex REPLICATE_TEX [REPLICATE_TEX ...]]
                            [--replicate_frag REPLICATE_FRAG [REPLICATE_FRAG ...]]
                            [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc. Transcript gff files and sRNA
                        gff files need to be separately assigned to
                        --transcript_files and --srna_files, respectively.
                        Paths of the transcript gff files.
                        TEX+/- wig files. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...], -fl FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]
                        Wig files of RNA-Seq with transcript fragmented. The
                        format is: wig_file_path:frag:condition_id(integer):re
                        plicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple wig
                        files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --tex_notex {1,2}, -te {1,2}
                        The value is for TEX+/- libraries to decide the
                        terminator should be detected in both (TEX+ and TEX-,
                        assigned by 2) or can be detected in only one library
                        (TEX+ or TEX-, assigned by 1). Please assign 1 or 2.
                        Default is 1.
                        This value is the minimal number of replicates that a
                        terminator has to be detected in. The format is
                        $NUMBERofCONDITION_$NUMBERofREPLICATE. If different
                        --replicate_tex values need to be assigned to
                        different conditions, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For example, 1_2 2_2 3_3 means that
                        --replicate_tex is 2 in number 1 and number 2
                        conditions. In number 3 condition, --replicate_tex is
                        3. For assigning the same --replicate_tex to all
                        conditions, just use like all_1 (--replicate_tex is 1
                        in all conditions).
                        Similar to --replicates_tex. This value is for
                        fragmented (or conventional) libraries.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --transterm_path TRANSTERM_PATH
                        Path of "transterm" in TransTermHP.
  --expterm_path EXPTERM_PATH
                        Path of expterm.dat for TransTermHP. Default is
  --rnafold_path RNAFOLD_PATH
                        Path of RNAfold of Vienna package.
  --srna_files SRNA_FILES [SRNA_FILES ...], -sr SRNA_FILES [SRNA_FILES ...]
                        Paths of sRNA gff files if sRNA information need to be
                        considered as well.
  --decrease DECREASE, -d DECREASE
                        The maximum ratio -- (lowest coverage / highest
                        coverage) within (or nearby) the terminator. If the
                        ratio is smaller than --decrease, the candidate will
                        be considered as highly-confidence terminator. Default
                        is 0.5.
                        The extended region (nucleotides) of the terminators
                        for detecting coverage significant drop. For example,
                        the location of terminator is 300-400, and
                        --tolerance_detect_coverage is 30. If the coverage
                        decrease is detected within 270-430, this candidate is
                        still considered as the terminator which have coverage
                        dramatic decrease. Default is 30.
                        If the candidates are within transcript and the
                        distance (nucleotides) between the end of transcript
                        and terminator is within this value, the candidate
                        will be considered as a terminator. Otherwise, it will
                        be removed. Default is 30.
                        The meaning is similar to
                        --tolerance_within_transcript. This value is for the
                        candidates which are at the downstream of transcript.
                        Default is 30.
                        The meaning is similar to
                        --tolerance_within_transcript. This value is for gene
                        in stead of transcript. Default is 10.
                        The meaning is similar to
                        --tolerance_downstream_transcript. This value is for
                        gene in stead of transcript. Default is 310.
                        The minimum value of the highest coverage of
                        terminator. The low expressed terminator are not
                        included in "best_candidates", but are still in
                        "all_candidates". Default is 10.
  --window_size WINDOW_SIZE, -wz WINDOW_SIZE
                        Window size for searching secondary structure in
                        intergenic region. Default is 100 nts.
  --window_shift WINDOW_SHIFT, -ws WINDOW_SHIFT
                        The number of nucleotides for window shift. Default is
                        20 nts.
  --min_loop_length MIN_LOOP_LENGTH, -ml MIN_LOOP_LENGTH
                        The minimum loop length of terminator. Default is 3
  --max_loop_length MAX_LOOP_LENGTH, -Ml MAX_LOOP_LENGTH
                        The maximum loop length of terminator. Default is 10
  --min_stem_length MIN_STEM_LENGTH, -ms MIN_STEM_LENGTH
                        The minimum stem length of terminator. Default is 4
  --max_stem_length MAX_STEM_LENGTH, -Ms MAX_STEM_LENGTH
                        The maximum stem length of terminator. Default is 20
  --miss_rate MISS_RATE, -mr MISS_RATE
                        The percentage of nucleotides which can be no pair in
                        the stem. Default is 0.25.
  --min_u_tail MIN_U_TAIL, -mu MIN_U_TAIL
                        The minimum number of U in poly U-tail of terminator.
                        Default is 5.
  --mutation_u_tail MUTATION_U_TAIL, -uu MUTATION_U_TAIL
                        The number of nts which are not U can be tolerated.
                        Default is 2.
  --keep_multi_term, -kp
                        Sometimes, one gene is associated with multiple
                        terminators In default, it will only keep the highly-
                        confidence one. This flag can keep all terminators
                        which are associated with the same gene. Default is
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/terminators.

The output folders are as following:

statistics: Stores statistic files.

Terminator detection method with corresponding amounts: Filename is stat_$GENOME.csv.

Comparing terminators with transcripts: Based on different types of terminators, the files are stat_compare_terminator_transcript_$GENOME_all_candidates.csv, stat_comparison_terminator_transcript_$GENOME_best.csv and stat_comparison_terminator_transcript_$GENOME_express.csv

transtermhp_results: Store any output of TranstermHP.

gffs: Store gff files of terminators.

There are four different sub-folders for storing different gff files.

all_candidates: Stores all terminators which ANNOgesic can detect.

expressed_candidates: Stores the terminators revealing gene expression.

best_candidates: Stores the terminators which reveal gene expression and show dramatic decrease of its coverage.

non_expressed_candidates: Stores the terminators which has no gene expression.

Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the terminator gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific terminator. The tags are as following:

method: By which method the terminator is detected.

coverage_decrease: The terminators coverage reveals dramatic decrease or not.

express: The terminator reveals gene expression or not.

diff_coverage: This value shows the library which reveals strongest coverage decreasing.

associated_gene: Which genes are associated with this terminator.

Parent: This tag presents the parent transcript of the terminator.

tables: Stores tables of terminators with more details.

There are four different sub-folders for storing different tables.

all_candidates: Stores all terminators which ANNOgesic can detect.

express_candidates: Stores the terminators revealing gene expression.

best_candidates: Stores the terminators which reveal gene expression and show dramatic decrease of its coverage.

non_expressed_candidates: Stores the terminators which has no gene expression.

The meanings of the columns are as following:

Genome: Genome name.

Name: Name of this terminator in the gff file.

Start: Staring point of this terminator.

End: End point of this terminator.

Strand: Strand of this terminator.

Detect: This terminator is detected by which method.

Associated_gene: Which genes are associated with this terminator.

Associated_transcript: The parent transcript of this terminator.

Coverage_decrease: This terminator shows dramatic decrease of its coverage or not.

Coverage_$LIB_NAME: Shows the coverage information of the libraries about this terminator. high means the highest coverage of the libraries, low means the lowest coverage of the libraries, and diff represents the difference between high and low. If No_coverage_decreasing is showed, it means this terminator reveal gene expression but no coverage decrease. If NA is showed, it means that this terminator has no gene expression.

utr (UTR detection)

utr can compare TSSs, CDSs/tRNAs/sRNAs, transcripts and terminators to generate 5’UTR and 3’UTR. 5’UTRs are based on detecting the regions between TSSs and CDSs/tRNAs/sRNAs. 3’UTRs are based on detecting the regions between the end of the transcripts and CDSs/tRNAs/sRNAs. If the input gff files of TSSs are not computed by ANNOgesic, please use --tss_source to classify TSSs for the analysis.

  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

Gff files of the TSSs: Please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

Gff files of the transcripts: Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the terminators: If the information of terminators is needed, the gff files of terminators are required. Please check the section terminator (terminator detection).

  • Basic Arguments
usage: annogesic utr --project_path PROJECT_PATH --annotation_files
                     ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --tss_files
                     TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...] --transcript_files
                     TRANSCRIPT_FILES [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...]
                     [--terminator_files TERMINATOR_FILES [TERMINATOR_FILES ...]]
                     [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc. Gff files of TSSs,
                        terminators, and transcripts need to be separately
                        assigned to --tss_files, terminator_files, and
                        transcript_files, respectively.
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -t TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of the TSS files.
                        Paths of the transcript gff files.
                        If the paths of terminator files are assigned,
                        terminator will be used to detect 3'UTR.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --tss_source, -s      The TSS gff file is generated by ANNOgesic or not.
                        Default is True (from ANNOgesic).
  --base_5utr {both,transcript,TSS}, -b5 {both,transcript,TSS}
                        The information for detection of 5'UTR. It can be
                        "TSS" or "transcript" or "both". Default is both.
  --utr_length UTR_LENGTH, -l UTR_LENGTH
                        The maximum UTR length. Default is 300.
  --base_3utr {both,transcript,terminator}, -b3 {both,transcript,terminator}
                        please assign the information for detection of 3'UTR.
                        It can be "transcript" or "terminator" or "both".
                        Default is transcript.
                        The 3'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated terminators. Default is 30.
  --tolerance_3utr TOLERANCE_3UTR, -t3 TOLERANCE_3UTR
                        The length of 3'UTR can be extended or withdrew by
                        this value (nucleotides). It only works when
                        transcript information is provided. Default is 10.
  --tolerance_5utr TOLERANCE_5UTR, -t5 TOLERANCE_5UTR
                        The length of 5'UTR can be extended or withdrew by
                        this value (nucleotides). It only works when
                        transcript information is provided. Default is 5.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files of 5’UTRs are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/UTRs/5UTRs.

Output files of 3’UTRs are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/UTRs/3UTRs.

The output folders are as following:

gffs: Stores gff files of the 5’UTR/3’UTR. Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the UTR gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific UTR. The tags are as following:

length: UTR length.

associated_cds: Which CDSs/rRNAs/tRNAs are associated with this UTR.

associated_gene: Which genes are associated with this UTR.

Parent: Shows the parent transcript of this UTR.

associated_tss: Which TSSs are associated with this 5’UTR.

tss_type: What types of TSSs are associated with this 5’UTR.

associated_term: Which terminators are associated with this 3’UTR.

statiatics: $GFFNAME_$GENOME_$UTRTYPE_length.png is the distribution of the UTR length.

srna (sRNA detection)

srna can predict different types of sRNAs. For intergenic and antisense sRNA, it is detected via comparison of the transcripts and annotation profiles, as well as coverage files. For UTR-derived sRNA, the detection is based on the TSSs, processing sites, transcripts, genome annotations and coverage files. Further filters like folding free energy change, BLAST to nr database and sRNA database can be set as well.

  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

Gff files of the transcripts: Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

Wiggle files of the fragmented/conventional or TEX+/- libraries: Please check the section The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic.

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the TSSs: If you want to detect the UTR-derived sRNAs, it is necessary to input TSS information. If you don’t want to detect UTR-derived sRNAs, TSS information still can be provided as a filter. We strongly recommend input this file. please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

Gff files of processing sites: For checking the sRNAs which end with processing sites. Moreover, Some 3’UTR-derived and interCDS-derived sRNA candidates start from processing sites not TSSs. If you don’t want to detect UTR-derived sRNAs, This information still can be provided to increase the accuracy, especially for some long non-coding regions. We strongly recommend input this file if you want to detect UTR-derived sRNAs. Please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

Promoter tables: Information of the promoter motifs can be used for prioritizing sRNA candidates via promoters and sRNA coverage. The format should be as following:

Genome TSS_position TSS_strand Motif
NC_000915.1 237118 - MOTIF_1
NC_000915.1 729009 - MOTIF_1

First irow is header of the table, the last column is the name of promoter motif. If subcommand promoter was implemented before, the table will be generated automatically. Please refer to the section promoter (Promoter motif detection).

  • Filters with the corresponding input files and tools

There are some filters which can improve the prediction. The user can assign the information to remove false positive. If the information is not assigned to be a filter, it still can input to the module. Then, the information will be shown in the output files, but this information is not considered as a filter. For an example, if terminator association is not assigned to be a filter, the user still can specify the path of terminator gff files. The associated terminators will be shown in output gff files and tables, but the sRNA candidates which are not associated with terminators will still be included. Following is the filter names with the required files and tools.

Secondary structure: Remove the false positive by checking the folding energy change of secondary structure.

Required tools:

Required files:

Fasta files of genome sequences

TSS: Remove the candidates which are not associated with TSSs.

Required files:

Gff files of TSSs

Searching sRNA candidate in sRNA database: If homology of this sRNA candidate can be found in sRNA database, this candidate will be included to the result without considering other filters. --blast_score_srna and --blast_e_srna can be used for adjustment of the prediction.

Required tools:

Required files:

sRNA database: Such as BSRD. Format of the header should be $ID|$GENOME|$SRNANAME. For an example, srn_4840|S._aureus_NCTC8325|RsaOV The ID is srn_4840, the strain of this sRNA is S._aureus_NCTC8325 and the name of sRNA is RsaOV. If the format of the header is not correct, an error or non-sense results will occur. If you want to use BSRD with proper headers, you can download it from our Git repository easily.

Searching sRNA candidate in nr database: If homologs of this sRNA candidates can be found in nr database and the hit numbers are more than --cutoff_nr_hit, this candidates will be removed. --blast_score_nr and --blast_e_nr can be used for adjustment of the prediction.

Required tools:

Required files:

nr database: The file can be download from nr database.

Terminator: Remove the candidates which are not associated with terminators.

Required files:

Gff files of the terminators: Please check the section terminator (terminator detection).

sORF: Remove the candidates which overlap sORF.

Required files:

Gff files of the sORFs: Please check the section sorf (sORF detection).

Promoter: Remove the candidates which are not associated with promoter motif.

Required files:

Tables of the promoters: Please check the Promoter Tables of this section and the section promoter (Promoter motif detection).
  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic srna --project_path PROJECT_PATH [--utr_derived_srna]
                      [--filter_info {tss,sec_str,blast_nr,blast_srna,sorf,term,promoter,none} [{tss,sec_str,blast_nr,blast_srna,sorf,term,promoter,none} ...]]
                      --transcript_files TRANSCRIPT_FILES
                      [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...] --annotation_files
                      ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]
                      [--tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]]
                      [--fasta_files FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...]]
                      [--srna_database_path SRNA_DATABASE_PATH]
                      [--nr_database_path NR_DATABASE_PATH]
                      [--tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]]
                      [--frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]]
                      [--tex_notex {1,2}]
                      [--replicate_tex REPLICATE_TEX [REPLICATE_TEX ...]]
                      [--replicate_frag REPLICATE_FRAG [REPLICATE_FRAG ...]]
                      [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --utr_derived_srna, -u
                        Assign to detect UTR-derived sRNA. Default is False.
  --filter_info {tss,sec_str,blast_nr,blast_srna,sorf,term,promoter,none} [{tss,sec_str,blast_nr,blast_srna,sorf,term,promoter,none} ...], -d {tss,sec_str,blast_nr,blast_srna,sorf,term,promoter,none} [{tss,sec_str,blast_nr,blast_srna,sorf,term,promoter,none} ...]
                        The filters for improving the sRNA detection: 1. tss
                        (sRNA has to start with a TSS), 2. sec_str (free
                        energy change of secondary structure (normalized by
                        length) has to be smaller than --cutoff_energy), 3.
                        blast_nr (the number of the homologs in the non-
                        redundant database has to be below the --cutoff_nr_hit
                        ), 4. blast_srna (as long as the homologs can be found
                        in the sRNA database, the candidates will be included
                        to the best candidtes without considering other
                        filters), 5. sorf (sRNA must not overlap with sORFs),
                        6. term (sRNA has to be associated with a terminator),
                        7. promoter (sRNA has to be associated with a promoter
                        motif). For using multiple filters, please separated
                        them by spaces. If blast_srna was assigned, the
                        headers of sequences in sRNA database should be
                        $ID|$GENOME|$SRNANAME. "tss sec_str blast_nr
                        blast_srna" are recommended to be used. If "none" is
                        assigned, no filters are applied. Default is tss
                        sec_str blast_nr blast_srna.
                        Paths of the transcript files.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc. Gff files of transcripts,
                        TSSs, terminators, processing sites, and sORFs need to
                        be separately assigned to --transcript_files,
                        --tss_files, --terminator_files,
                        --processing_site_files, and --sorf_files,
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -t TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of TSS gff files. For detecting UTR-derived sRNA
                        or "tss" in --filter_info, TSS gff files MUST be
                        paths of fasta files of reference genome.
  --compute_sec_structures, -cs
                        Computing secondary structures of sRNAs. Default is
  --srna_database_path SRNA_DATABASE_PATH, -sd SRNA_DATABASE_PATH
                        Path of sRNA database with proper headers of
                        sequences. Format of the header should be
                        $ID|$GENOME|$NAME. Please check
  --nr_database_path NR_DATABASE_PATH, -nd NR_DATABASE_PATH
                        Path of nr database
                        TEX+/- wig files. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...], -fl FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]
                        Wig files of RNA-Seq with fragmented transcripts. The
                        format is: wig_file_path:frag:condition_id(integer):re
                        plicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple wig
                        files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --tex_notex {1,2}, -te {1,2}
                        If TEX+/- libraries are assigned, a sRNA should be
                        detected in both (TEX+ and TEX-, assigned by 2) or
                        needs to be detected in only one library (TEX+ or
                        TEX-, assigned by 1). Default is 2.
                        This value is the minimal number of replicates that a
                        sRNA has to be detected in. The format is
                        $NUMBERofCONDITION_$NUMBERofREPLICATE. If different
                        --replicate_tex values need to be assigned to
                        different conditions, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For example, 1_2 2_2 3_3 means that
                        --replicate_tex is 2 in number 1 and number 2
                        conditions. In number 3 condition, --replicate_tex is
                        3. For assigning the same --replicate_tex to all
                        conditions, use all_1 (--replicate_tex is 1 in all
                        Similar to --replicates_tex. This value is for
                        libraries with fragmented transcripts.
  • Additional argument
additional arguments:
  --rnafold_path RNAFOLD_PATH
                        Path of RNAfold of the Vienna package
  --relplot_path RELPLOT_PATH
                        Path of of the Vienna package.
  --mountain_path MOUNTAIN_PATH
                        Path of of the Vienna package.
  --blastn_path BLASTN_PATH
                        Path of blastn of the BLAST+ package.
  --blastx_path BLASTX_PATH
                        Path of blastx of the BLAST+ package.
  --makeblastdb_path MAKEBLASTDB_PATH
                        Path of makeblastdb of the BLAST+ package.
                        Paths of the processing site gff files. It can improve
                        the detection of UTR-derived sRNAs.
                        Paths of the terminator gff files.
                        If promoter tables can be provided, please assign the
                        paths of promoter tables, The format of the table is
                        If --promoter_tables is provided, please assign the
                        promoter name (the last column of promoter table). For
                        multiple promoters, please put spaces between the
                        promoters. Default is None.
  --sorf_files SORF_FILES [SORF_FILES ...], -O SORF_FILES [SORF_FILES ...]
                        If comparison between sRNAs and sORFs needs to be
                        done, Please assign the paths of sORF gff files
  --parallel_blast PARALLEL_BLAST, -pb PARALLEL_BLAST
                        The number of parallel jobs. Default is 10.
  --tss_source, -ts     The TSS gff files are generated from ANNOgesic or not.
                        Default is True (from ANNOgesic).
                        The 5'ends of intergenic and antisense sRNA candidates
                        will be extended or withdrew by this value
                        (nucleotides) for searching the associated TSSs.
                        Default is 3.
  --tss_5utr_tolerance TSS_5UTR_TOLERANCE, -t5 TSS_5UTR_TOLERANCE
                        The 5'ends of 5'UTR-derived sRNAs will be extended or
                        withdrew by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated TSSs. The input type can be percentage
                        ("p") or the real amount of reads ("n"). For example,
                        p_0.05 means this value is 5 percent of the length of
                        5'UTR. n_10 means this value is 10 nts. Default is
  --tss_3utr_tolerance TSS_3UTR_TOLERANCE, -t3 TSS_3UTR_TOLERANCE
                        Similar to --tss_5utr_tolerance. This value is for
                        3'UTR-derived sRNAs. Default is p_0.04.
                        Similar to --tss_5utr_tolerance. This value is for
                        interCDS-derived sRNAs. Default is p_0.04.
                        The 3'ends of sRNA candidates will be withdrew by this
                        value (nucleotides) for searching the associated
                        terminators which are within sRNAs. Default is 30.
                        The 3'ends of sRNA candidates will be extended by this
                        value (nucleotides) for searching the associated
                        terminators which are behind of sRNAs. Default is 30.
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH, -lm MIN_LENGTH
                        The minimum sRNA length. Default is 30.
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH, -lM MAX_LENGTH
                        The maximum sRNA length. Default is 500.
                        The minimum average coverage of intergenic sRNAs for
                        TEX+ libraries. This value is based on different types
                        of TSSs. The order of numbers is
                        "Primary,Secondary,Internal,Antisense,Orphan". For
                        example, 0,0,0,50,10 means that antisense TSS (minimum
                        coverage is 50) and orphan TSS (minimum coverage is
                        10) are used for sRNA prediction. The other types of
                        TSSs will not be used for the detection (assign to 0).
                        If TSS information is not provided, the lowest value
                        would be the general cutoff for the prediction.
                        Default is 0,0,0,40,20.
                        Similar to --min_intergenic_tex_coverage. This value
                        is for TEX- libraries. Default is 0,0,0,30,10.
                        Similar to --min_intergenic_tex_coverage. This value
                        is for fragmented (or conventional) libraries. Default
                        is 400,200,0,50,20.
                        Several primary/secondary TSSs are also associated
                        with a complete transcript containing no
                        CDSs/tRNA/rRNA in 5'UTR of the following CDS which is
                        located in another transcript. In order to detect the
                        sRNA candidates in these transcripts, please assign
                        the minimum average coverage of the sRNA candidates.
                        The format is $TEX,$NOTEX,$FRAG. For example,
                        200,100,100 means that the minimum average coverage is
                        200 for TEX+ libraries, 100 for TEX- and fragmented
                        (or conventional) libraries. Default is 30,20,30.
                        Similar to --min_intergenic_tex_coverage. This value
                        is for antisense in stead of intergenic. Default is
                        Similar to --min_intergenic_notex_coverage. This value
                        is for antisense in stead of intergenic. Default is
                        Similar to --min_intergenic_fragmented_coverage. This
                        value is for antisense in stead of intergenic. Default
                        is 400,200,0,50,20.
  --min_utr_tex_coverage MIN_UTR_TEX_COVERAGE, -ut MIN_UTR_TEX_COVERAGE
                        The minimum average coverage of UTR-derived sRNA
                        candidates in TEX+ libraries. The input can be
                        assigned by the percentile ("p") or real number of
                        coverage ("n"). The order of numbers is
                        "5'UTR,3'UTR,interCDS". For example,
                        "p_0.7,p_0.5,p_0.5" means that 70 percentile of all
                        5'UTR coverages is used for the minimum coverage of
                        5'UTR-derived sRNA, median of all 3'UTR and interCDS
                        coverages is used for minimum coverage of 3'UTR and
                        interCDS-derived sRNA. Default is p_0.8,p_0.6,p_0.7.
  --min_utr_notex_coverage MIN_UTR_NOTEX_COVERAGE, -un MIN_UTR_NOTEX_COVERAGE
                        Similar to --min_utr_tex_coverage. This value is for
                        TEX- libraries. Default is p_0.7,p_0.5,p_0.6.
                        Similar to --min_utr_tex_coverage. This value is for
                        fragmented (or conventional) libraries. Default is
  --min_all_utr_coverage MIN_ALL_UTR_COVERAGE, -mu MIN_ALL_UTR_COVERAGE
                        The minimum coverage of UTR-derived sRNAs. The
                        coverage of UTR-derived sRNAs should not only exceed
                        the --min_utr_TEX_coverage, --min_utr_noTEX_coverage
                        and --min_utr_fragmented_coverage, but also this
                        value. Default is 50.
  --cutoff_energy CUTOFF_ENERGY, -ce CUTOFF_ENERGY
                        If "sec_str" is included in --filter_info, please
                        assign the maximum folding energy change (normalized
                        by length of gene). Default is -0.05.
  --mountain_plot, -m   Generating mountain plot of sRNA candidate. Default is
  --nr_format, -nf      Format nr database. Default is False.
  --srna_format, -sf    Format sRNA database. Default is False.
                        This value is for detecting the coverage decrease in
                        intergenic/antisense transcript. If the length of
                        intergenic transcript is longer than the --max_length,
                        it will searching the coverages of the transcript. If
                        the ratio -- (the lowest coverage / the highest
                        coverage) of the transcript is smaller than this value
                        and the length is within a given range, the transcript
                        will be considered as a sRNA as well.Default is 0.1.
  --decrease_utr DECREASE_UTR, -du DECREASE_UTR
                        Similar to --decrease_intergenic_antisense. This value
                        is for UTR-derived sRNA. Default is 0.05.
                        The 5'ends and 3'ends of intergenic and antisense
                        sRNAs will be extended by this value (nucleotides) for
                        detecting the significant coverage decrease. (please
                        check --decrease_intergenic_antisense). For example,
                        the location of intergenic sRNA is 300-400, and
                        --tolerance_intergenic_antisense is 30. The searching
                        region is 270-430. Default is 10.
  --tolerance_utr TOLERANCE_UTR, -tu TOLERANCE_UTR
                        Similar to --tolerance_intergenic_antisense. This is
                        for UTR-derived sRNAs. Default is 10.
  --cutoff_nr_hit CUTOFF_NR_HIT, -cn CUTOFF_NR_HIT
                        The maximum hits number in nr database. Default is 0.
  --blast_e_nr BLAST_E_NR, -en BLAST_E_NR
                        The maximum e-value for searching in nr database.
                        Default is 0.0001.
  --blast_e_srna BLAST_E_SRNA, -es BLAST_E_SRNA
                        The maximum e-value for searching in sRNA database.
                        Default is 0.0001.
  --blast_score_srna BLAST_SCORE_SRNA, -bs BLAST_SCORE_SRNA
                        The minimum score for searching in sRNA database.
                        Default is 40.
  --blast_score_nr BLAST_SCORE_NR, -bn BLAST_SCORE_NR
                        The minimum score for searching in nr database.
                        Default is 40.
  --detect_srna_in_cds, -ds
                        Searching sRNA in CDS (e.g. the genome annotation is
                        not correct). More sRNA candidates which overlap with
                        CDS will be detected. Beware, this argument may cause
                        many false positives due to without considering the
                        locations of genes and CDSs. Moreover, the rank of
                        sRNA candidates will be influenced as well.Default is
  --overlap_percent_cds OVERLAP_PERCENT_CDS, -oc OVERLAP_PERCENT_CDS
                        The maximum ratio of overlapping between CDS and sRNA
                        candidates. It only works if --detect_srna_in_cds is
                        true. Default is 0.5
  --search_poly_u SEARCH_POLY_U, -sp SEARCH_POLY_U
                        The tolerance length for searching poly U tail of
                        sRNA. If this value is assigned by 0, the 3'end of
                        sRNA will not be extended by searching poly U tail.
                        Default is 15.
  --min_u_poly_u MIN_U_POLY_U, -np MIN_U_POLY_U
                        The minimum number of U that poly U tail should
                        contain. Default is 5.
  --mutation_poly_u MUTATION_POLY_U, -mp MUTATION_POLY_U
                        The minimum number of nts which are not U can be
                        tolerated. Default is 2.
  --ignore_hypothetical_protein, -ih
                        For ignoring hypothetical proteins in the genome
                        annotation file. Default is False.
                        If --promoter_tables is provided, the information of
                        promoter can be use for ranking sRNA candidates. The
                        ranking score is --ranking_time_promoter * average
                        coverage. For example, a sRNA candidate which is
                        associated with a promoter and its average coverage is
                        10. If --ranking_time_promoter is 2, the ranking score
                        will be 20 (2*10). For the candidate which are not
                        associated with a promoter, the
                        --ranking_time_promoter will be 1. Therefore,
                        --ranking_time_promoter can not be smaller than 1.
                        Default is 2.
  --exclude_srna_in_annotation_file, -ea
                        For excluding the sRNAs which are already annotated in
                        --annotation_files. Default is False.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/sRNAs. the output folders and files are following:

sRNA_2d_$GENOME: The secondary structures of all sRNA candidates.

sRNA_seq_$GENOME: The sequences of all sRNA candidates.

blast_results_and_misc: Stores the results of blast.

nr_blast_$GENOME.txt: output of BLAST for the nr database.

sRNA_blast_$GENOME.txt: output of BLAST for the sRNA database.

figs: Stores the figures about secondary structures of sRNAs.

mountain_plots: Stores mountain plots of the sRNA candidates. Filename is as srna10_NC_009839.1_335339_335435_+_mountain.pdf. srna10, NC_009839.1, 335339, 335435, + are ID of sRNA gff file, genome name, starting point, end point and strand, respectively.

sec_plots: Stores the secondary structure plots of sRNA candidates. Filename of is as srna10, NC_009839.1, 335339, 335435, + are ID of sRNA gff file, genome name, starting point, end point and strand, respectively.

dot_plots: Stores the dot plots of sRNA candidates. Filename of dot plot is as srna10, NC_009839.1, 335339, 335435, + are ID of sRNA gff file, genome name, starting point, end point and strand, respectively.

statistics: Stores statistics files. stat_$GENOME_sRNA_blast.csv is the analysis result of BLAST for sRNA databases. stat_sRNA_class_Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003.csv is the classification of sRNA candidates.

TSS_classes: If the TSSs are not computed by ANNOgesic, TSS_classes will be generated for classification of TSS. TSS gff files with TSS types will be stored here.

tables: Stores sRNA tables with more details. There are also some sub-folders:

for_classes: Stores the results based on different sRNA classes. The information of sRNA classes can be found in stat_sRNA_class_$GENOME.csv.

best_candidates: Stores the best results of sRNAs after filtering.

all_candidates: Stores all candidates without filtering.

The meanings of the columns are as following:

Rank: Ranking number of this sRNA.

Genome: Genome name.

Name: sRNA Name which is shown in gff file. The sRNA name is generated from the BLAST search.

Start: Starting point of this sRNA.

End: End point of this sRNA.

Strand: Strand of this sRNA.

Start_with_TSS/Cleavage_site: This sRNA starts with which TSS or cleavage site.

End_with_cleavage: If the sRNA ends with a cleavage site, the information of this cleavage site will be showed here.

Candidates: Position of this sRNA.

Lib_type: This sRNA is detected by TEX+/- or fragmented/conventional library.

Best_avg_coverage: Based on coverage of all libraries, The best average coverage of this sRNA will be showed here.

Normalized_secondary_energy_change(by_length): Secondary folding energy change (normalized by length) of this sRNA.

sRNA_types: Shows the sRNA type.

Conflict_sORF: If this sRNA overlaps sORF, the overlapped sORF will be showed here.

nr_hit_number: The hit numbers of this sRNA in nr database.

sRNA_hit_number: The hit numbers of this sRNA in sRNA database.

nr_hit_top3|ID|e-value|score: The top 3 hits of this sRNA in nr database will be showed here. The information includes protein name, ID, e-value, and score.

sRNA_hit|e-value|score: If the homology of this sRNA can be found in sRNA database, the information will be showed here. The information includes sRNA name, e-value, and score.

Overlap_CDS_forward: If the sRNA overlaps genomic features, the information of the overlapped features will be showed here (for forward strand).

Overlap_nts_forward: If the sRNA overlaps genomic features, the length and percentage of the overlapping regions will be showed here (for forward strand).

Overlap_CDS_reverse: If the sRNA overlaps genomic features, the information of the overlapped features will be showed here (for reverse strand).

Overlap_nts_reverse: If the sRNA overlaps genomic features, the length and percentage of the overlapping regions will be showed here (for reverse strand).

End_with_terminator: The terminator which is associated with this sRNA.

Associated_promoter: The promoter which is associated with this sRNA.

sRNA_length: sRNA length.

Avg_coverage:$LIB_NAME: Shows the average coverage information of the libraries about this sRNA.

gffs: Stores gff files of the sRNA. There are also some sub-folders:

for_classes: Stores the results based on different sRNA classes.

best_candidates: Stores the best results of sRNAs after filtering.

all_candidates: Stores all candidates without filtering.

Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the sRNA gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific sRNA. The tags are as following:

Name: The sRNA name is generated from the BLAST search.

sRNA_type: This sRNA is from 5’UTR, 3’UTR, interCDS, intergenic, antisense or within CDS.

with_TSS: Which TSSs are related to this sRNA.

sORF: Which sORFs overlap this sRNA.

sRNA_hit: Blast hit numbers of this sRNA in sRNA database.

nr_hit: Blast hit numbers of this sRNA in nr database.

2d_energy: Normalized (by the length of sRNA) folding energy change of the sRNA secondary structure.

with_term: Terminators which are associated with the sRNA candidate.

end_cleavage: If this sRNA ends with a cleavage site, information of the cleavage site will be showed here.

overlap_cds: This sRNA overlaps CDS or not.

overlap_percentage: If this sRNA overlap CDS. The percentage of the overlap between CDS and sRNA will be showed here.

promoter: Promoters which are associated with the sRNA.

If the amount of sRNA candidates are too many for the user, please check the FAQ Q9 to do the further filtering.

sorf (sORF detection)

sorf can detect sORF based on searching ribosome binding sites (Shine-Dalgarno sequence), start codons and stop codons within the non-coding expressed regions. Since these regions may be sRNAs or sORFs, Comparison between sORFs and sRNAs can be done by this subcommand as well. If multiple sORFs overlap with each other, this subcommand will merge them to be one sORF. Therefore, one region may contain more than one sORF. Position of the start codon which listed in output table is assigned by the first nucleotide. The position of stop codon is assigned by the last nucleotide. Moreover, one region may contain different frame shifts. Ex: (200, 202, 203) are the positions of three start codons and (241, 243) are two stop codons in a small transcript. There are three sORF candidates (200-241, 203-241 and 202-243).

  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc Gff files of the transcripts: Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

Wiggle files of TEX+/- or fragmented/conventional libraries: Please refer to the section The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic.

fasta files of the genome sequences

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the TSSs: For checking the sORFs start from TSS or not. We strongly recommend to input this file. Please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

Gff files of sRNAs: For checking the overlap of sRNAs and sORFs. Please check the section srna (sRNA detection).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic sorf --project_path PROJECT_PATH [--utr_derived_sorf]
                      --fasta_files FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...]
                      --transcript_files TRANSCRIPT_FILES
                      [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...] --annotation_files
                      ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]
                      [--tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]]
                      [--tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]]
                      [--frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]]
                      [--tex_notex {1,2}]
                      [--replicate_tex REPLICATE_TEX [REPLICATE_TEX ...]]
                      [--replicate_frag REPLICATE_FRAG [REPLICATE_FRAG ...]]
                      [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --utr_derived_sorf, -u
                        Detect UTR-derived sORF. Default is False.
                        Paths of the fasta files of the reference genome.
                        Paths of the transcript gff files.
                        Paths of the the genome annotation gff files
                        containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc. Gff files of
                        transcripts, sRNAs, and TSSs need to be separately
                        assigned to --transcript_files, --srna_files, and
                        --tss_files, respectively.
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -t TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of TSS gff files.
                        TEX+/- wig files. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...], -fl FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]
                        Wig files of RNA-Seq with fragmented transcripts. The
                        format is: wig_file_path:frag:condition_id(integer):re
                        plicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple wig
                        files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --tex_notex {1,2}, -te {1,2}
                        If the TEX+/- libraries are provided, this value is
                        that a sORF should be detected in both (TEX+ and TEX-,
                        assigned by 2) or can be detected in only one library
                        (TEX+ or TEX-, assigned by 1). Please assign 1 or 2.
                        Default is 2.
                        This value is the minimal number of replicates that a
                        sORF has to be detected in. The format is
                        $NUMBERofCONDITION_$NUMBERofREPLICATE. If different
                        --replicate_tex values need to be assigned to
                        different conditions, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For example, 1_2 2_2 3_3 means that
                        --replicate_tex is 2 in number 1 and number 2
                        conditions. In number 3 condition, --replicate_tex is
                        3. For assigning the same --replicate_tex to all
                        conditions, just use like all_1 (--replicate_tex is 1
                        in all conditions).
                        Similar to --replicates_tex. This value is for
                        fragmented (or conventional) libraries.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --srna_files SRNA_FILES [SRNA_FILES ...], -s SRNA_FILES [SRNA_FILES ...]
                        Paths of the sRNA gff files for comparing sORF and
                        sRNA to detect the overlapping.
  --contain_multi_stop, -ms
                        If --contain_multi_stop is True, the outpu files will
                        only contain the non-annotated transcripts (potential
                        sORFs) which have single stop codon (but may still
                        contain multiple sORFs from different reading frames).
                        If --contain_multi_stop is False, the output files
                        will assign the longest open reading frame which may
                        contain multiple stop codons to be sORFs. Default is
  --utr_length UTR_LENGTH, -ul UTR_LENGTH
                        The utr length for comparing TSS with sORF. The
                        default number is 300.
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH, -ml MIN_LENGTH
                        The minimum nucleotide length of sORF. Default is 30.
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH, -Ml MAX_LENGTH
                        The maximum nucleotide length of sORF. Default is 300.
                        The minimum coverage of intergenic sORF candidates.
                        Default is 10.
                        The minimum coverage of antisense sORF candidates.
                        Default is 10.
  --cutoff_5utr_coverage CUTOFF_5UTR_COVERAGE, -cu5 CUTOFF_5UTR_COVERAGE
                        The minimum coverage for 5'UTR derived sORF
                        candidates. This value can be assigned by percentile
                        ("p") or the amount of reads ("n"). For example, p_0.5
                        means that the coverage of sORF candidates should be
                        higher than the 50 percentile of all 5'UTR
                        transcripts. n_10 means that the coverage of sORF
                        candidates should be higher than 10 reads. Default is
  --cutoff_3utr_coverage CUTOFF_3UTR_COVERAGE, -cu3 CUTOFF_3UTR_COVERAGE
                        Similar to --cutoff_5utr_coverage. This value is for
                        3'UTRs. Default is p_0.5.
                        Similar to --cutoff_5utr_coverage. This value is for
                        interCDS. Default is p_0.5.
  --cutoff_base_coverage CUTOFF_BASE_COVERAGE, -cub CUTOFF_BASE_COVERAGE
                        The general minimum coverage of all sORF candidates.
                        All candidates should exceed this value. Default is
  --start_codon START_CODON [START_CODON ...], -ac START_CODON [START_CODON ...]
                        The types of start coden. If multiple types of start
                        codon need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate them. Default is ATG.
  --stop_codon STOP_CODON [STOP_CODON ...], -oc STOP_CODON [STOP_CODON ...]
                        The types of stop codon. If multiple types of stop
                        codon need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate them. Default is TTA TAG TGA.
  --min_rbs_distance MIN_RBS_DISTANCE, -mr MIN_RBS_DISTANCE
                        The minimum distance (nucleotides) between the
                        ribosome binding site (Shine-Dalgarno sequence) and
                        the start codon. Default is 3.
  --max_rbs_distance MAX_RBS_DISTANCE, -Mr MAX_RBS_DISTANCE
                        The maximum distance (nucleotides) between the
                        ribosome binding site (Shine-Dalgarno sequence) and
                        the start codon. Default is 15.
  --rbs_not_after_tss, -at
                        Include the sORFs which are not associated with
                        ribosome binding site to the high-confidence sORF
                        list. Default is False.
  --rbs_seq RBS_SEQ [RBS_SEQ ...], -rs RBS_SEQ [RBS_SEQ ...]
                        The sequence of ribosome binding site. If multiple
                        sequences need to be assigned, please use space to
                        split them. Default is AGGAGG.
  --tolerance_rbs TOLERANCE_RBS, -tr TOLERANCE_RBS
                        The number of nucleotides of ribosome binding sites
                        allowed to be different from AGGAGG. Default is 2.
  --tolerance_3end TOLERANCE_3END, -t3 TOLERANCE_3END
                        The number of nucleotides can be extended from the end
                        of transcript for searching stop codon. Default is 30.
  --tolerance_5end TOLERANCE_5END, -t5 TOLERANCE_5END
                        The number of nucleotides can be extended from the
                        starting point of transcript for searching start
                        codon. Default is 5.
  --print_all_combination, -pa
                        For printing all combinations of multiple start and
                        stop codons. Default is False.
  --best_no_srna, -bs   Excluding the sORFs which overlap with sRNAs to highly
                        confidence sORF list. Default is False.
  --best_no_tss, -bt    Excluding the sORFs which do not start with TSS to
                        highly confidence sORF list. Default is False.
                        For ignoring hypothetical protein in the genome
                        annotation file. Default is False.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/sORFs.

statistics: Stores statistic files.

tables: Stores tables of the sORFs with more details. There are also some sub-folders:

best_candidates: Stores the best results of sORFs after filtering.

all_candidates: Stores all candidates without filtering.

The meaning of each column is as following:

Genome: Genome name.

Name: the sORF name which is also shown in gff file.

Start: Starting point of this sORF.

End: End point of this sORF.

Strand: Strand of this sORF.

Type: sORF type.

TSS: TSSs which are associated with this sORF.

Ribosome_binding_site: Ribosome binding site (Shine-Dalgarno sequence) of this sORF.

All_start_points: Positions of all start codons which can be found in the region of this sORF.

All_stop_points: Positions of all stop codons which can be found in the region of this sORF.

Conflict_sRNA: If this sORF overlaps sRNA, the overlapped sRNA will be showed here.

Frame_shift: If there are sORF candidates which can be found by frame shift, the number of frame shift will be showed here. 1 means there are some candidates can be found by frame shift once. 2 means there are some candidates can be found by frame shift twice.

Lib_type: This sORF can be detected in TEX+/- or fragmented/conventional libraries.

Best_avg_coverage: Based on coverage of all libraries, The best average coverage of this sORF will be showed here.

Seq: Sequence of this sORF.

Avg_coverage:$LIB_NAME: Shows the average coverage information of the libraries about this sORF.

gffs: Stores gff files of the sORFs. There are also some sub-folders:

best_candidates: Stores the best results of sORFs after filtering.

all_candidates: Stores all candidates without filtering.

Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the sORF gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific sORF. The tags are as following:

start_TSS: Shows this sORF starts with which TSS.

with_TSS: Which TSSs are associated with this sORF.

sORF_type: Type of the sORF (5’UTR, 3’UTR, interCDS, intergenic, antisense or within CDS).

sRNA: Which sRNAs are overlap with this sORF.

rbs: Ribosome binding sites (Shine-Dalgarno sequences) of this sORF.

frame_shift: The number of frame shifts in the regions.

promoter (Promoter motif detection)

promoter can scan the upstream of TSSs to discover the promoter motifs. We integrated MEME (for ungapped motifs) and GLAM2 (for gapped motifs) to predict the promoters. Based on the tool, HTML files can be generated for visualization. If the input TSS gff file is not computed by ANNOgesic, please add --tss_source to classify TSSs for predicting promoter motifs.

  • Required tools



MPICH (if parallel runs are required)

  • Required files

Fasta files of the genome sequences

Gff files of the TSSs: If the input TSS gff file is not generated by ANNOgesic, the libraries and wiggle files are necessary. Please refer to the The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic in order to assign the correct format. And for the details of TSS, please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic promoter [--program {meme,glam2,both}] --project_path
                          PROJECT_PATH --fasta_files FASTA_FILES
                          [FASTA_FILES ...] --tss_files TSS_FILES
                          [TSS_FILES ...]
                          [--use_tss_type USE_TSS_TYPE [USE_TSS_TYPE ...]]
                          [--motif_width MOTIF_WIDTH [MOTIF_WIDTH ...]]
                          [--num_motifs NUM_MOTIFS]
                          [--nt_before_tss NT_BEFORE_TSS]
                          [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --program {meme,glam2,both}, -p {meme,glam2,both}
                        Please choose the program -- meme, glam2 or both.
                        Default is both
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -t TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of the TSS gff files.
  --use_tss_type USE_TSS_TYPE [USE_TSS_TYPE ...], -u USE_TSS_TYPE [USE_TSS_TYPE ...]
                    The types of TSSs for generating promoter information.
                    The options are: 1. all TSSs, 2. primary TSSs, 3.
                    secondary TSSs, 4. internal TSSs, 5. antisense TSSs,
                    6. orphan TSSs, 7. all TSSs without orphan ones.
                    Multi-choices are allowed (split by space), ex: if 1 2
                    3 are assigned, the prediction will run three times
                    for all TSSs, primary TSSs and secondary TSSs. Default
                    is 1.
                        Length of the motifs to detects. For a range insert
                        "-" between two values. Moreover, if multiple lengths
                        need to be assigned, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For an example, 50 2-10 means that the lengths
                        of motifs are 50 and within 2 to 10. The number should
                        be less or equal than --nt_before_TSS. Default is 50.
  --num_motifs NUM_MOTIFS, -n NUM_MOTIFS
                        The number of motifs. Default is 10.
  --nt_before_tss NT_BEFORE_TSS, -b NT_BEFORE_TSS
                        The number of nucleotides upstream of the TSSs for
                        promoter prediction. Default is 50.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --meme_path MEME_PATH
                        path of MEME.
  --glam2_path GLAM2_PATH
                        path of GLAM2.
  --e_value E_VALUE, -e E_VALUE
                        The maximum e value for running MEME. Default is 0.05.
  --end_run END_RUN, -er END_RUN
                        If the result of GLAM2 is not improved after running
                        this number of iteration, it will be ended. Default is
  --parallels PARALLELS, -pl PARALLELS
                        The number of parallel jobs.
  --tss_source, -s      The TSS gff files are generated from ANNOgesic or not.
                        Default is True (from ANNOgesic)
  --tex_libs TEX_LIBS [TEX_LIBS ...], -tl TEX_LIBS [TEX_LIBS ...]
                        If --tss_source is False, please assign the name of
                        the TEX+/- library. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For an example,
                        $WIG_PATH_1:tex:1:a:+ $WIG_PATH_2:tex:1:a:-.
                        If --tss_source is False, please assign the paths of
                        the genome annotation gff files containing CDSs,
                        tRNAs, rRNAs, etc.
  --combine_all, -c     Generate global promoter motifs across all reference
                        sequences in the TSS files. Default is False.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/promoters. The output folders are following:

allfasta: If --combine_all is True, it will combine all TSS files in --tss_files to generate promoter motifs. The results will be stored in this folder.

fasta_classes: The fasta files of different TSS types.

$GENOME_NAME: Stores output of MEME and GLAM2 based on different TSS types. Two sub-folders are under this folder.

MEME: Stores the results of MEME.

GLAM2: Stores the results of GLAM2.

The format of folders which under these two folders is promoter_motifs_$FILENAME_$GENOME_$TSSTYPE_$PROMOTERLEGNTH, ex: promoter_motifs_NC_000915.1_allgenome_internal_45_nt. NC_000915.1, allgenome, primary and 45_nt are gff filename, genome name, TSS type and upstream nucleotides of TSS, respectively. If genome name is allgenome, this means that the result is generated by the information of all genomes of gff files. If there is only one genome in the gff file, the genome name will be assigned as allgenome as well. Several files are stored in the sub-folder:

Figures of the promoter motifs: Contains EPS and PNG files.

Details of the promoter motifs: Contains HTML file, XML file and TXT file. These files include the TSS information.

Promoter tables: meme.csv or glam2.csv is the promoter table which also includes the TSS information. Moreover, it can used as an input for sRNA detection (srna). Please check the section srna.

TSS_classes: If the TSSs are not computed by ANNOgesic, TSS_classes will be generated for classification of TSS. TSS gff files with TSS types will be stored here.

operon (Operon detection)

operon will search operons and sub-operons based on TSSs, transcripts, and genes. If the transcripts are not associated with genes, they would not be counted as operons.

  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

Gff files of the transcripts: Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the TSSs: We strongly recommend to input this file for detecting sub-operon. Please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

Gff files of the terminators: Please check the section terminator (terminator detection).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic operon --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                        [--tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]]
                        --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                        [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --transcript_files
                        TRANSCRIPT_FILES [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...]
                        [--terminator_files TERMINATOR_FILES [TERMINATOR_FILES ...]]
                        [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -t TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of the TSS gff files.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs etc. Gff files of TSSs,
                        transcripts, terminators, need to be separately
                        assigned to --tss_files, --transcript_files,
                        Paths of the transcript gff files.
                        Paths of terminator gff files.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --tss_tolerance TSS_TOLERANCE, -tt TSS_TOLERANCE
                        The 5'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated TSSs. Default is 5.
                        The 3'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated terminators. Default is 30.
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH, -l MIN_LENGTH
                        The minimum length of operon. Default is 20.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/operons. The output folders are as following:

gffs: The gff files of operons. associated_gene shows the genes located in the operon.

tables: The tables of operons which store all information of operons and sub-operons.

The meaning of each column is as following:

Operon_ID: Operon ID.

Genome: Genome name.

Operon_position: Starting point and end point of the operon.

Strand: Strand of the operon.

Number_of_suboperon: The amount of sub-operons in this operon region.

Position_of_suboperon: Starting point and end point of the sub-operons.

Start_with_TSS: This operon starts with TSS or not.

Number_of_TSS: The number of the TSSs which are located on this operon.

Terminated_with_terminator: This operon ends with TSS or not.

Number_of_terminator: The number of the terminators which are associated with this operon.

Number_of_gene_associated_suboperon: The number of the genes which are associated with the sub-operon.

Number_of_gene_associated_operon: The number of the genes which are associated with the operon.

Associated_genes_with_suboperon: Locus tag of the genes which are associated with the sub-operon.

Associated_genes_with_whole_operon: Locus tag of the genes which are associated with the operon.

statistics: Stores statistic file which includes the number of sub-operons, monocistronic operon, polycistronic operon, etc.

circrna (circular RNA detection)

circrna can detect the potential circular RNAs via Segemehl. Moreover, the false positive can be removed by checking genome annotation files and quality of splicing site detection. The user can assign reads for detecting circular RNAs or assign BAM files to skip mapping. BE CAREFUL, BAM files must be mapped by Segemehl with --splits or circrna can’t find the proper candidates.

  • Required tools

segemehl.x and testrealign.x in Segemehl. For generating testrealign.x, please refer to Required tools or databases.

  • Required files

Fasta files of reads or BAM files: If you want to use BAM files directly, they should be mapped by Segemehl with --splits. The input format is $SET_NAME:$READ1,$READ2,... or $SET_NAME:$BAM1,$BAM2,.... For an example, set1:read1.fa,read2.fa means these two fasta files need to be computed together. If your BAM files are generated by mapping reads on multiple reference genomes, testrealign.x may not be able to handle them.

Fasta files of the genome annotations

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

  • Basic Arguments
usage: annogesic circrna --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                         [--read_files READ_FILES [READ_FILES ...]]
                         [--bam_files BAM_FILES [BAM_FILES ...]] --fasta_files
                         FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...] --annotation_files
                         ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]
                         [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --read_files READ_FILES [READ_FILES ...], -rp READ_FILES [READ_FILES ...]
                        Paths of read fasta or fastq files. ANNOgesic will map
                        the reads via segemehl (with -S). Required format:
                        $SET_NAME:$READ1,$READ2,... If multiple data sets need
                        to be assigned, please separated them by spaces. The
                        read files compressed by bz2 or gz files can be
                        accepted as well. For using BAM files, please check
  --bam_files BAM_FILES [BAM_FILES ...], -b BAM_FILES [BAM_FILES ...]
                        Path of input BAM files. Required format:
                        $SET_NAME:$BAM1,$BAM2,... . BAM files need to be
                        generated using the mapper segemehl with the parameter
                        "-S". If multiple data sets need to be assigned,
                        please separated them by spaces. For using fasta files
                        of reads, please check --read_files.
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --segemehl_path SEGEMEHL_PATH
                        Path of segemehl.x in segemehl package.
  --testrealign_path TESTREALIGN_PATH
                        Path of testrealign.x in segemehl package.
  --samtools_path SAMTOOLS_PATH
                        Path of samtools.
  --parallels PARALLELS, -p PARALLELS
                        The number of parallels runs for mapping if
                        --read_files is assigned. Default is 10.
  --support_reads SUPPORT_READS, -s SUPPORT_READS
                        The minimum reads for supporting a circular RNA.
                        Default is 10.
  --start_ratio START_RATIO, -sr START_RATIO
                        The minimum ratio -- (reads of circRNA / all reads) at
                        the starting points of candidates. Default is 0.5.
  --end_ratio END_RATIO, -er END_RATIO
                        Similar to --start_ratio. This value is for the end
                        points of candidates. Default is 0.5.
                        For ignoring hypothetical protein in the genome
                        annotation file. Default is False.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/circRNAs. The output folders are following:

segemehl_alignment_files: If read files are assigned, the folder is for results of mapping.

segemehl_splice_results: The results of splicing detection. For understanding the splicing tables, please refer to Segemehl.

gffs: Stores gff files of the circular RNAs. $GENOME_$SET_circRNA_best.gff is gff files for the best results after checking genome annotation and quality of splicing. $GENOME_$SET_circRNA_all.gff is for all candidates without filtering. Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the circular RNA gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific circular RNA. The tags are as following:

support_reads: The number of reads which support the circular RNA.

read_at_start: (supported reads / total reads) at starting point of the circular RNA.

read_at_end: (supported reads / total reads) at end point of the circular RNA.

conflict: The circular RNA overlap genome annotation or not.

method: The circular RNA is detected by which method.

circRNA_tables: Stores tables of the circular RNAs with more details. The meaning of each column is as following:

Genome: Genome name.

Strand: Strand of the circular RNA.

Start: Starting point of the circular RNA.

End: End point of the circular RNA.

Annotation_overlap: If there is a genome annotation (like a CDS) which overlap this circular RNA, the overlapped feature will be showed here.

Supported_reads: The number of reads which support the circular RNA.

Supported_reads/Reads_at_start: (supported reads / total reads) at starting point of the circular RNA.

Supported_reads/Reads_at_end: (supported reads / total reads) at end point of the circular RNA.

go_term (GO term retrieving)

go_term can retrieve the information of Gene Ontology from Uniprot. Some analyses of GO terms can be done as well.

  • Required files

Uniprot mapping table: from Uniprot.

GOslim file: goslim.obo.

GO file: go.obo.

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the transcripts: For detecting the GO terms only based on expressed CDSs. Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

  • Arguments
usage: annogesic go_term [-h] --project_path PROJECT_PATH --annotation_files
                         ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]
                         [--transcript_files TRANSCRIPT_FILES [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...]]
                         --uniprot_id UNIPROT_ID --go_obo GO_OBO --goslim_obo

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containg
                        Paths of the transcript gff files which can be used to
                        retrieve GO terms based on expressed CDS and all CDS.
  --uniprot_id UNIPROT_ID, -u UNIPROT_ID
                        Path of the UniProt ID mapping database.
  --go_obo GO_OBO, -go GO_OBO
                        Path of go.obo.
  --goslim_obo GOSLIM_OBO, -gs GOSLIM_OBO
                        Path of goslim.obo.
  • Output files

Output files are stored in ANNOgesic/output/GO_terms. If gff files of the transcript are assigned, two sub-folders will be generated. Results of the expressed genes are stored in ANNOgesic/output/GO_term/expressed_CDSs and results of all CDSs are stored in ANNOgesic/output/GO_term/all_CDSs.

GO_term_results: Stores tables of the GO terms information. The meaning of each column is as following:

Genome: Genome name.

Strand: Strand of the gene.

Start: Starting point of this CDS.

End: End point of this CDS.

Protein_id Protein ID of this CDS.

GO_term GO term of This CDS.

statistics: Stores statistic files and figures.

GO term with corresponding amount: Format of the filename is stat_$GENOME.csv.

Figures of the three GO term classes: All figures are stored in the sub-folder - figs. $GENOME_biological_process.png, $GENOME_cellular_component.png, $GENOME_molecular_function.png and $GENOME_three_roots.png are the figures of biological process, cellular component, molecular_function and three roots of GO term classes, respectively.

srna_target (sRNA target prediction)

srna_target can search potential targets of the sRNA via different programs (RNAup or RNAplex or both). We recommend running with both programs. srna_target can also compare the results of both programs and provide the best ones.

  • Required tools

ViennaRNA . IntaRNA.

  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs

Gff files of the sRNAs: Please check the section srna (sRNA detection).

Fasta files of the genomes

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic srna_target --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                             --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                             [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --fasta_files FASTA_FILES
                             [FASTA_FILES ...] --srna_files SRNA_FILES
                             [SRNA_FILES ...]
                             [--query_srnas QUERY_SRNAS [QUERY_SRNAS ...]]
                             --program {RNAplex,RNAup,IntaRNA}
                             [{RNAplex,RNAup,IntaRNA} ...] [--top TOP]
                             [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
  --srna_files SRNA_FILES [SRNA_FILES ...], -s SRNA_FILES [SRNA_FILES ...]
                        Paths of the sRNA gff files.
                        The query sRNA. The input format is
                        $GENOME:$START:$END:$STRAND. If multiple sRNAs need to
                        be assigned, please use spaces to separate them. For
                        example, NC_007795.1:200:534:+
                        NC_007795.1:6767:6900:-. If all sRNAs of the reference
                        genome need to be used, please assign "all". Default
                        is all.
  --program {RNAplex,RNAup,IntaRNA} [{RNAplex,RNAup,IntaRNA} ...], -p {RNAplex,RNAup,IntaRNA} [{RNAplex,RNAup,IntaRNA} ...]
                        The program for detecting sRNA-mRNA interaction.
                        Please choose "RNAplex", "RNAup" or "IntaRNA". If
                        multiple programs need to be executed, please use
                        space to separate them.
  --top TOP, -t TOP     The ranking number of targets which will be included
                        to final output. The ranking is based on the binding
                        energy. Default is 50.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --rnaplfold_path RNAPLFOLD_PATH
                        Path of RNAplfold of the Vienna package.
  --rnaplex_path RNAPLEX_PATH
                        Path of RNAplex of the Vienna package.
  --rnaup_path RNAUP_PATH
                        Path of RNAup of the Vienna package.
  --intarna_path INTARNA_PATH
                        Path of IntaRNA.
                        Maximum length of an interaction. Default is 30.
                        The average of the pair probabilities over windows for
                        mRNA target. It is only applied for "RNAplex". Default
                        is 240.
  --span_target_rnaplex SPAN_TARGET_RNAPLEX, -st SPAN_TARGET_RNAPLEX
                        The maximum allowed separation of a base pair to span
                        for mRNA target. It is only applied for "RNAplex".
                        Default is 160.
                        Similar to --window_size_target, but for sRNA. Default
                        is 30.
  --span_srna_rnaplfold SPAN_SRNA_RNAPLFOLD, -ss SPAN_SRNA_RNAPLFOLD
                        Similar to --span_target, but for sRNA. Default is 30.
                        Calculate the mean probability of the unpaired region
                        for mRNA target. It only works for "RNAplex". Default
                        is 30.
                        Similar to --unstructured_region_rnaplex_target, but
                        for sRNA. Default is 30.
                        Compute the mean probability of unpaired region. It
                        only works for "RNAup". Default is 40.
                        The minimum energy for a duplex. It only works for
                        "RNAplex". Default is -8.
                        Distance between target 3'ends of two consecutive
                        duplexes. It works for "RNAplex". Default is 20.
                        The number of parallel jobs for running RNAplex.
                        Default is 5.
  --parallels_rnaup PARALLELS_RNAUP, -pu PARALLELS_RNAUP
                        The number of parallel jobs for running RNAup. Default
                        is 20.
                        The number of parallel jobs for running IntaRNA.
                        Default is 10.
  --continue_rnaup, -cr
                        For running RNAup based on the previous intermediate
                        results if the previous process stopped. Default is
                        The silding window size of sRNA sequences. 0 will use
                        the full sequence to execute IntaRNA. Default is 150.
                        The maximal loop length of sRNA. If the value is
                        assigned by 0, --slide_window_size_srna_intarna will
                        be used for the maximal loop length of sRNA. Default
                        is 100.
                        The silding window size of target sequences. 0 will
                        use the full sequence to execute IntaRNA. Default is
                        The maximal loop length of target. If the value is
                        assigned by 0, --slide_window_size_target_intarna will
                        be used for the maximal loop length of target. Default
                        is 100.
  --mode_intarna {H,E,M}, -mi {H,E,M}
                        The prediction mode of IntaRNA. 'H' is heuristic, 'M'
                        is exact with long computational time. 'E' is exact
                        with long computational time and high memory.
                        Distance for the extraction of upstream nucleotides of
                        --target_feature. Default is 200.
                        Distance for the extraction of downstream nucleotides
                        of --target_feature. Default is 150.
                        The feature name of potential targets. If multiple
                        features need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate them. For example, CDS exon. Default is CDS.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/sRNA_targets.

RNAplex_results: Stores all results of RNAplex. $GENOME_RNAplex.txt is raw results of RNAplex. $GENOME_RNAplex_rank.csv is the tables with details, and the targets are sorted by binding energy. The meaning of each column in $GENOME_RNAplex_rank.csv is as following:

sRNA: sRNA name which is shown in sRNA gff file.

Genome: Genome name.

sRNA_position: Starting point and end point of this sRNA.

sRNA_interacted_position_RNAplex: The interaction region of this sRNA.

sRNA_strand: Strand of this sRNA.

Target: Locus tag or gene name of the target mRNA.

Target_position: Starting point and end point of this mRNA.

Target_interacted_position_RNAplex: The interaction region of this mRNA.

Target_strand: Strand of this target mRNA.

Energy_RNAplex: Interaction energy change of this interaction.

Rank_RNAplex: Ranking of the interaction (the ranking is based on the binding energy).

RNAup_results: Stored all results of RNAup. $GENOME_RNAup.txt is raw results of RNAup. $GENOME_RNAup_rank.csv is the tables with details, and the targets are sorted by binding energy. The meaning of each column is similar to the table of RNAplex.

IntaRNA_results: Stored all results of IntaRNA. $GENOME_IntaRNA.txt is raw results of IntaRNA. $GENOME_RNAup_rank.csv is the tables with details, and the targets are sorted by binding energy. The meaning of each column is similar to the table of RNAplex.

merged_results: Store the results which are merged by the results of RNAplex_results, RNAup_results, and IntaRNA_results. $GENOME_merge.csv contains all candidates of the all assigned programs. $GENOME_overlap.csv contains the results which are top 50 (default) in the all assigned methods. The meaning of each column is similar to the table of RNAplex.

sRNA_seqs: Stores fasta sequences of the sRNAs.

target_seqs: Stores fasta sequences of the potential targets.

ppi_network (protein-protein interaction network detection)

ppi_network can retrieve the PPI data from STRING. Then using PIE to search the supported literature of the protein-protein interaction networks.

  • Required files

Species table of STRING: species.v${VERSION}.txt from STRING.

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic ppi_network --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                             --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                             [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --species_string
                             SPECIES_STRING --query_strains QUERY_STRAINS
                             [QUERY_STRAINS ...] [--query QUERY [QUERY ...]]
                             [--without_strain_pubmed] [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff files containing
                        genes and CDSs with proper locus_tag items in the
  --species_string SPECIES_STRING, -d SPECIES_STRING
                        Path of the species table of STRING
                        The name of the input file of the query genomes.
                        Required format: $GFF_FILE:$STRAIN_IN_GFF:$STRAIN_IN_S
                        TRING:$STRAIN_FOR_PUBMED. $GFF_FILE is the name of the
                        gff file, $STRAIN_IN_GFF is the name/ID of the strain
                        in the gff file, $STRAIN_IN_STRING is the strain name
                        in species table of STRING (species.$VERSION.txt), and
                        $STRAIN_FOR_PUBMED is the strain name for searching in
                        Pubmed. If the strain is not available in STRING
                        database, it can be relaced by a related strain. For
                        example, Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003.gff:Staphylococcu
                        s_aureus_HG003:"Staphylococcus aureus NCTC
                        8325":"Staphylococcus aureus" (Staphylococcus aureus
                        NCTC 8325 is a related strain of HG003 since HG003 is
                        not available in STRING). If the assigned name is with
                        spaces, please use double quotes. For assigning
                        multiple strains, please separated them by spaces.
  --query QUERY [QUERY ...], -q QUERY [QUERY ...]
                        The query proteins. Required format:
                        For assigning multiple proteins, please use spaces to
                        separate them. For example,
                        Staphylococcus_aureus_HG003:2000:3211:-. For computing
                        all proteins in gff files, just type "all". Default is
  --without_strain_pubmed, -n
                        For retrieving the literature from Pubmed only based
                        on protein name without assigning strains. Default is
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --score SCORE, -ps SCORE
                        The minimum PIE score for searching literature. The
                        value is from -1 (worst) to 1 (best). Default is 0.
  --node_size NODE_SIZE, -ns NODE_SIZE
                        The size of nodes in figure, default is 4000.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/PPI_networks. The output folders are as following:

best_results: Stores the results which the scores of PIE for supported literature are higher than --score.

all_results: Stores the results of all protein-protein interactions (including the low score(PIE) literature).

Under best_results and all_results, several files and folders are generated:

Results of searching literatures without assigning a specific strain: $STRAIN_without_strain.csv.

Results of searching literatures with assigning a specific strain: $STRAIN_with_strain.csv.

without_strain: Stores all interaction information which is searched without assigning a specific strain.

with_strain: Stores all interaction information which is searched with assigning a specific strain.

figures: Stores the protein-protein networks of the query proteins. Thickness represents how many literature can be found for the interactions. Solid line means that strong supported literature can be found. Dash-dot line means that the supported literature are very weak. Dot line means that no supported literature can be found. Color is the best score of the supported literature of the interactions.

localization (subcellular localization prediction)

localization can predict the subcellular localization of proteins. Some statistics and visualization files are provided as well.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs

Fasta files of the genome sequences

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the transcripts: For detecting subcellular localization only based on expressed CDSs. Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic localization --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                              --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                              [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --fasta_files FASTA_FILES
                              [FASTA_FILES ...]
                              [--transcript_files TRANSCRIPT_FILES [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...]]
                              --bacteria_type {positive,negative}
                              [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of genome annotation gff files containing CDSs.
                        Paths of genome fasta files.
                        Paths of the transcript gff files for detecting the
                        subcellular localization based on expressed CDS and
                        all CDS.
  --bacteria_type {positive,negative}, -b {positive,negative}
                        The type of bacteria (Gram-positive or Gram-negative).
                        Please assign 'positive' or 'negative'.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --psortb_path PSORTB_PATH
                        Path of Psortb.
                        For the protein which have multiple predicted
                        locations, if the difference of psorb scores is
                        smaller than this value, all locations will be printed
                        out. Default is 0.5. The maximum value is 10.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/subcellular_localization. If gff files of the transcripts are assigned, two sub-folders will be generated. Results of the expressed CDSs are stored in ANNOgesic/output/subcellular_localization/expressed_CDSs and results of all CDS are stored in ANNOgesic/output/subcellular_localization/all_CDSs.

psortb_results: Stores the results of Psortb:

Raw output data of Psortb: Format of the filename is $GENOME_raw.txt.

Table of subcellular localization: Format of the filename is $GENOME_table.csv. The meaning of each column is as following:

Genome: Genome name.

Protein: Protein ID.

Strand: Strand of this protein.

Start: Starting point of this protein.

End: End point of this protein.

Location: Predicted subcellular localization of this protein.

Score: Psortb score.

statistics: Stores statistic files and figures.

Subcellular localization with corresponding amounts: Format of the filename is stat_$GENOME_sublocal.csv.

Figure of Subcellular localization with corresponding amounts: Format of the filename is $FILENAME_$GENOME_sublocal.png.

riboswitch_thermometer (riboswitch and RNA thermometer detection)

riboswitch_thermometer can search riboswitches and RNA thermometers between TSSs(the starting point of transcript was assigned if no TSS was detected) and its downstream CDSs, as well as associated ribosome binding sites (Shine-Dalgarno sequence). Then using Infernal to scan the region in Rfam.

  • Required tools


  • Required files


Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

Gff files of the transcripts: Please check the section transcript (transcript detection).

Fasta files of the genome sequences

Rfam ID files of the riboswitch or RNA thermometer: The file should contain Rfam IDs, name and description of riboswitches or RNA thermometers as following.

#Rfam_ID Name Description
RF00162 SAM SAM riboswitch box leader
RF00059 TPP TPP riboswitch THI element

All columns are separated by tab. You can also download riboswitch and RNA thermometer data from our Git repository.

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the TSSs: For checking the ribosome binding site. We strongly recommend to input this file. Please check the section tss_ps (TSS and processing site prediction).

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic riboswitch_thermometer --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                        [--program {riboswitch,thermometer,both}]
                                        [--riboswitch_id_file RIBOSWITCH_ID_FILE]
                                        [--rna_thermometer_id_file RNA_THERMOMETER_ID_FILE]
                                        --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                                        [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]
                                        [--tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]]
                                        --transcript_files TRANSCRIPT_FILES
                                        [TRANSCRIPT_FILES ...] --fasta_files
                                        FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...]
                                        --rfam_path RFAM_PATH
                                        [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --program {riboswitch,thermometer,both}, -p {riboswitch,thermometer,both}
                        Please choose the feature for the detection. The
                        options can be "riboswitch", "thermometer", "both".
                        Default is both.
  --riboswitch_id_file RIBOSWITCH_ID_FILE, -ri RIBOSWITCH_ID_FILE
                        Path of the file which contains the information of
                        riboswitches in Rfam. Required format of the file:
                        $RFAM_ID{tab}$RIBOSWITCH_NAME{tab}$DESCRIPTION. Please
                        check an example in
  --rna_thermometer_id_file RNA_THERMOMETER_ID_FILE, -ti RNA_THERMOMETER_ID_FILE
                        Same format as for -riboswitch_id_file, but for RNA
                        thermometers. Please check an example in
                        Paths of the annotation gff files.
  --tss_files TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...], -t TSS_FILES [TSS_FILES ...]
                        Paths of the TSS gff files.
                        Paths of the transcript gff files.
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
  --rfam_path RFAM_PATH, -R RFAM_PATH
                        Path of the Rfam CM database.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --cmscan_path CMSCAN_PATH, -cs CMSCAN_PATH
                        Path of cmscan in Infernal package.
  --cmpress_path CMPRESS_PATH, -cp CMPRESS_PATH
                        Path of cmpress in Infernal package.
  --utr_length UTR_LENGTH, -u UTR_LENGTH
                        The UTR length. Default is 300.
  --cutoff CUTOFF, -cf CUTOFF
                        The cutoff of the infernal search. The cutoff can be
                        assigned by e value (assigned by 'e') or score
                        (assigned by 's'). For example, 'e_0.001' represents
                        using e value as a cutoff and the maximum value is
                        0.001. 's_8' represents using score as a cutoff and
                        the minimum score is 8. Default is e_0.001.
  --output_all, -o      One query sequence may fit multiple riboswitches or
                        RNA thermometers. It can print multiple riboswitches
                        or RNA thermometers. Otherwise, only the highest
                        confident one will be printed. Default is False.
  --tolerance TOLERANCE, -to TOLERANCE
                        The 5'ends and 3'ends of potential riboswitches or RNA
                        thermometers will be extended by this value
                        (nucleotides) for extracting the sequences to search
                        in Rfam. Default is 10.
  --without_rbs, -wr    Running the prediction without considering ribosome
                        binding site.Default is False.
  --rbs_seq RBS_SEQ [RBS_SEQ ...], -rs RBS_SEQ [RBS_SEQ ...]
                        The sequences of ribosome binding site. If the
                        multiple sequences needs to be assigned, please use
                        space to split them. Default is AGGAGG.
  --tolerance_rbs TOLERANCE_RBS, -tr TOLERANCE_RBS
                        The number of nucleotides of ribosome binding site
                        allow to be different with AGGAGG. Default is 2.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files of the riboswitches are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/riboswitches and output files of the RNA thermometers are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/RNA_thermometers.

Names of the output folders are as following:

scan_Rfam_results: Stores the results of searching to Rfam with cmscan (Infernal).

gffs: Stores gff files of riboswitches/RNA_thermometers. Some useful information can be found in the tags of the attributes within the gff file. Based on this information, we can know the details of the specific riboswitches/RNA_thermometers. The tags are as following:

rfam_id: Rfam ID of this riboswitch/RNA_thermometer.

e-value: E-value of searching this riboswitch/RNA_thermometer to Rfam.

score: Score of searching this riboswitch/RNA_thermometer to Rfam.

method: This riboswitch/RNA_thermometer is detected by which method.

tables: Stores tables of riboswiches/RNA_thermometers with more details. The meaning of each column in this table is as following:

ID: Riboswich/RNA_thermometer ID.

Genome: Genome name.

Strand: Strand of the riboswich/RNA_thermometer.

Associated_CDS: Downstream CDS of the riboswich/RNA_thermometer.

Start_genome: This riboswich/RNA_thermometer starts from which position of the genome.

End_genome: This riboswich/RNA_thermometer ends to which position of the genome.

Rfam: Rfam ID of this riboswich/RNA_thermometer.

E_value: E-value of searching this riboswitch/RNA_thermometer to Rfam.

Score: Score of searching this riboswitch/RNA_thermometer to Rfam.

Start_align: Position of this riboswich/RNA_thermometer can be aligned to the genome.

End_align: Position this riboswich/RNA_thermometer can be aligned to the genome.

statistics: Stores the file which contains the riboswich/RNA_thermometer with corresponding amount.

crispr (CRISPR detection)

crispr integrates CRISPR Recognition Tool (CRT) which can detect the repeat units and spacers of CRISPR. Moreover, the false positive can be removed by comparing candidates with genome annotations.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

Fasta files of the genome sequences

  • Optional input files

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc: This file can be used for removing false positive.

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic crispr --project_path PROJECT_PATH --fasta_files
                        FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...]
                        [--annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES [ANNOTATION_FILES ...]]
                        [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        Paths of the genome fasta files.
                        Paths of the genome gff files containing CDSs for
                        comparing CRISPRs and the genome annotation to remove
                        the false positives. Default is None.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --crt_path CRT_PATH   Path of CRT.jar. Default is /usr/local/bin/CRT.jar
  --window_size WINDOW_SIZE, -w WINDOW_SIZE
                        Length of the window size for searching CRISPR (range:
                        6-9). Default is 8.
  --min_number_repeats MIN_NUMBER_REPEATS, -mn MIN_NUMBER_REPEATS
                        Minimum number of repeats that a CRISPR must contain.
                        Default is 3.
  --min_length_repeat MIN_LENGTH_REPEAT, -ml MIN_LENGTH_REPEAT
                        Minimum length of CRISPR repeats. Default is 23.
                        Maximum length of CRISPR repeats. Default is 47.
  --min_length_spacer MIN_LENGTH_SPACER, -ms MIN_LENGTH_SPACER
                        Minimum length of CRISPR spacers. Default is 26.
                        Maximum length of CRISPR spacers. Default is 50.
  --ignore_hypothetical_protein, -in
                        To ignore hypothetical proteins. Default is inactive.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/crisprs. The folders which are generated by the subcommand are as following:

CRT_results: Stores the output of CRT.

gffs: Stores CRSIPR gff files. Please be aware that CRISPR has no strand information (shows ‘.’ in gff files). Two sub-folders are under this folder:

all_candidates: Stores gff files which contains all CRISPRs.

best_candidates: Stores gff files which contains the CRISPRs without overlapping genome annotation.

statistics: Stores statistic files.

optimize_tss_ps (optimization of TSS and processing site detection)

optimize_tss_ps can adapt the parameter set of TSSpredator. For running it, please manual detect TSSs around 200kb and find at least 50 TSSs (using gff format). If there are less than 50 TSSs within 200kb, please continue checking until 50 TSSs are detected. Then optimize_tss_ps can scan whole genome based on the manual detected set to get optimized parameters.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

Wiggle files of TEX +/-: Please check the section The input format of libraries for running ANNOgesic.

Fasta files of the genome sequences

Gff files of the genome annotations containing CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc

Gff files of the manual-detected TSSs

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic optimize_tss_ps --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                 [--program {TSS,PS}] --fasta_files
                                 FASTA_FILES [FASTA_FILES ...]
                                 --annotation_files ANNOTATION_FILES
                                 [ANNOTATION_FILES ...] --manual_files
                                 MANUAL_FILES [MANUAL_FILES ...]
                                 [--curated_sequence_length CURATED_SEQUENCE_LENGTH [CURATED_SEQUENCE_LENGTH ...]]
                                 --tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS
                                 [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]
                                 [--replicate_tex REPLICATE_TEX [REPLICATE_TEX ...]]
                                 --condition_names CONDITION_NAMES
                                 [CONDITION_NAMES ...]
                                 [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --program {TSS,PS}, -p {TSS,PS}
                        The feature for optimization. Please assign "TSS" or
                        "PS". Default is TSS.
                        Paths of the fasta file of the reference genome.
                        Paths of the genome annotation gff file containing
                        CDSs, tRNAs, rRNAs, etc.
                        Paths of the manual-checked TSS or PS in gff format.
                        It is used for benchmarking the prediction during the
                        optimization. The set should comprise roughly 50
                        TSS/PS or more.
                        The length of the sequence used for the manual set of
                        TSS/PS. This value is required to calculate the
                        accurracy. If the whole genome was used write "all".
                        Otherwise use the name of the reference sequence in
                        the folowing format: $GENOME:SLENGTH. Multiple entries
                        are accepted. For an example, test.gff contains two
                        sequences s1 and s2. For s1 100 kb were checked while
                        for s2 the whole sequence was curated. The value of
                        this argument would be s1:100000 s2:all. Per default
                        all the full length of all sequences will be used.
                        TEX+/- wig files for TSSpredator. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
                        This value is the minimal number of replicates that a
                        TSS has to be detected in. The format is
                        $NUMBERofCONDITION_$NUMBERofREPLICATE. If different
                        --replicate_tex values need to be assigned to
                        different conditions, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For example, 1_2 2_2 3_3 means that
                        --replicate_tex is 2 in number 1 and number 2
                        conditions. In number 3 condition, --replicate_tex is
                        3. For assigning the same --replicate_tex to all
                        conditions, just use like all_1 (--replicate_tex is 1
                        in all conditions).
                        The prefixs of output filename.If multiple conditions
                        need to be assigned, please use spaces to separate
                        them. For an example, prefix_condition1
  --output_id OUTPUT_ID, -oi OUTPUT_ID
                        The tag of attributes will be used for TSS
                        classification. Default is locus_tag.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --tsspredator_path TSSPREDATOR_PATH
                        Path of TSSpredator. Default is
  --max_height MAX_HEIGHT, -he MAX_HEIGHT
                        This value relates to the minimum number of read
                        starts at a certain genomic position to be considered
                        as a TSS candidate. During optimization, --max_height
                        will be never larger than this value. Default is 2.5.
                        When comparing different genomes/conditions and the
                        step height threshold is reached in at least one
                        genome/condition, the threshold is reduced for the
                        other genomes/conditions by the value set here. This
                        value must be smaller than the step height threshold.
                        During optimization, --max_height_reduction will be
                        never larger than this value. Default is 2.4.
  --max_factor MAX_FACTOR, -fa MAX_FACTOR
                        The minimum factor by which the TSS height has to
                        exceed the local expression background. During
                        optimization, --max_factor will be never larger than
                        this value. Default is 10.
                        When comparing different genomes/conditions and the
                        step factor threshold is reached in at least one
                        genome/condition, the threshold is reduced for the
                        other genomes/conditions by the value set here. This
                        value must be smaller than the step factor threshold.
                        During optimization, --max_factor_reduction will be
                        never larger than this value. Default is 9.9.
  --max_base_height MAX_BASE_HEIGHT, -bh MAX_BASE_HEIGHT
                        The minimum number of reads should be mapped on TSS.
                        During optimization, --max_base_height will be never
                        larger than this value. Default is 0.06.
                        The minimum enrichment factor. During optimization,
                        --max_enrichment_factor will be never larger than this
                        value. Default is 6.0.
                        The minimum processing factor. If the value for the
                        untreated library is higher than the treated library
                        the positionsis considered as a processing site and
                        not annotated as detected. During optimization,
                        --max_processing_factor will be never larger than this
                        value. Default is 6.0
  --utr_length UTR_LENGTH, -u UTR_LENGTH
                        The length of UTR. Default is 300.
  --cluster CLUSTER, -cu CLUSTER
                        This value defines the maximal distance (nucleotides)
                        between TSS candidates have to be clustered together.
                        Default is 2.
  --parallels PARALLELS, -c PARALLELS
                        Number of parallel threats for optimization. Default
                        is 4.
  --steps STEPS, -s STEPS
                        Number of tota runs for the optimization. Default is
                        4000 runs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Based on the programs (TSS/processing site), Output files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/TSSs/optimized_TSSpredator or $ANNOgesic/output/processing_sites/optimized_TSSpredator. Two output files are as following:

stat_$GENOME.csv: Stores the information of every run. The first column is the number of run. The second column is the parameter set. he represents height; rh represents height reduction; fa means factor; rf means factor reduction; bh indicates base height; ef indicates enrichment factor; pf means processing factor. About the details of parameters, please refer to TSSpredator. For an example, he_2.0_rh_1.8_fa_4.4_rf_2.8_bh_0.08_ef_3.0_pf_2.6 means that height is 2.0, height reduction is 1.8, factor is 4.4, factor reduction is 2.8, base height is 0.08, enrichment factor is 3.0 and processing factor is 2.6. The third column is the number of true positive. The fourth column is true positive rate. The fifth columns is the number of false positive. The sixth is false positive rate. The seventh column is the number of false negatives. The eighth column is missing rate.

best_$GENOME.csv: Stores the best parameter set. The meanings of all columns are the same as stat_$GENOME.csv.

screenshot (screenshot generation)

screenshot can generate batch files for producing screenshot of IGV. Generating screenshots can reduce the time for checking the results in genome browser. When the batch files is produced, the user just needs to open IGV, then presses tools on the top tags and choose run batch script. The program will automatically produce screenshots.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

Gff files that the user wants to produce screenshots: All screenshots will be produced based on the positions of --main_gff. If comparing --main_gff with other features is required, please assign gff files of other features to --side_gffs.

Fasta files of the genomes

Wiggle files of TEX+/- or fragmented/conventional libraries: Please check the section The format of libraries for import to ANNOgesic.

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic screenshot --project_path PROJECT_PATH --fasta_file
                            FASTA_FILE --main_gff MAIN_GFF
                            [--side_gffs SIDE_GFFS [SIDE_GFFS ...]]
                            [--tex_notex_libs TEX_NOTEX_LIBS [TEX_NOTEX_LIBS ...]]
                            [--frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]]
                            --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                            [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --fasta_file FASTA_FILE, -f FASTA_FILE
                        Path of the genome fasta file.
  --main_gff MAIN_GFF, -mg MAIN_GFF
                        Screenshots will be generated based on the positions
                        of genomic features in this gff file.
  --side_gffs SIDE_GFFS [SIDE_GFFS ...], -sg SIDE_GFFS [SIDE_GFFS ...]
                        The gff files of further genomic features (besides
                        --main_gff). For assigning multiple files, please use
                        spaces to separated them.
                        TEX+/- wig files. The format is:
                        wig_file_path:TEX+/-(tex or notex):condition_id(intege
                        r):replicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple
                        wig files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files.
  --frag_libs FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...], -fl FRAG_LIBS [FRAG_LIBS ...]
                        Wig files of RNA-Seq of fragmented transcripts. The
                        format is: wig_file_path:frag:condition_id(integer):re
                        plicate_id(alphabet):strand(+ or -). If multiple wig
                        files need to be assigned, please use spaces to
                        separate the wig files. For example,
  --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER, -o OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Path of the output folder. A sub-folder "screenshots"
                        in the --output_folder will be created to store the
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
  --height HEIGHT, -he HEIGHT
                        Height of the screenshot. Default is 1500.
  --present {expand,collapse,squish}, -p {expand,collapse,squish}
                        The presentation types (expand, collapse, or squish)
                        of the features in the screenshot. Default is expand.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Based on the paths of --main_gff, screenshot will generate a folder - screenshots under the folder of --main_gff. Output files will be stored in this folder. the output files and folders are as following:

forward.txt: Batch file of the forward strand for running on IGV.

reverse.txt: Batch file of reverse strand for running on IGV.

forward: Folder for storing screenshots of the forward strand.

reverse: Folder for storing screenshots of the reverse strand.

When batch files are executed on IGV, the screenshots will be automatically stored in the folder called forward and reverse. Format of the filenames will be $GENOME:$START-$END.png. For an example, NC_007795:1051529-1051696.png means the genome is NC_007795, the feature’s start point is 1051529 and end point is 1051696.

colorize_screenshot_tracks (colorize the tracks of screenshots)

colorize_screenshot_tracks is a following procedure of screenshot. If numerous samples are included in one figure, Tracks will be difficult to check. colorize_screenshot_tracks can color the tracks based on TEX +/- libraries for improving the checking process.

  • Required tools


  • Required files

The screenshots folder: Please make sure the folders of forward and reverse exist in the folder of screenshots.

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic colorize_screenshot_tracks --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                            SCREENSHOT_FOLDER --track_number
                                            [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
                        The folder containing "screenshots" which are
                        generated from the subcommand "screenshot".
  --track_number TRACK_NUMBER, -t TRACK_NUMBER
                        The number of tracks.
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
                        Path of "convert" in the ImageMagick package.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

The new screenshots will replace the previous ones automatically.

merge_features (merge all annotation features)

If merging multiple features of the annotation to one gff file is needed, merge_features can achieve this purpose. merge_features can merge all features (the user assigned) to one gff file, and search the parent transcript to each feature.

  • Required files

Gff files of features that the user wants to merge: If transcript gff files can be provided, this module will search the parent transcripts to other input features. Moreover, if the genomic features from different gff files are overlapped, the module can select the data based on user-assigned source or keep all overlapping features to the final output.

  • Basic arguments
usage: annogesic merge_features --project_path PROJECT_PATH
                                --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                                [--transcript_file TRANSCRIPT_FILE]
                                [--other_features_files OTHER_FEATURES_FILES [OTHER_FEATURES_FILES ...]]
                                [--source_for_overlapping SOURCE_FOR_OVERLAPPING [SOURCE_FOR_OVERLAPPING ...]]
                                [--additional arguments]

basic arguments:
  --project_path PROJECT_PATH, -pj PROJECT_PATH
                        Path of the project folder.
  --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX, -op OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        The prefix name of output gff file. The file name will
                        be $OUTPUT_PREFIX_merge_features.gff.
                        Path of transcript gff file. The parent transcripts
                        ("Parent" in gff attributes) of all features will be
                        Paths of the gff files (besides transcript gff file).
                        For assigning multiple gff files, please use spaces to
                        separate them.
                        If the locations of features are overlapped, the
                        module will only keep the feature positions which
                        provided from --source_for_overlapping. For example,
                        if --source_for_overlapping is 'Ref' 'ANNOgesic', the
                        overlapping features from these two sources will be
                        both kept. However, if --source_for_overlapping is
                        'Ref', only the overlapping features from 'RefSeq will
                        be kept.' The value of --source_for_overlapping should
                        be the same as the second column of the gff file. if
                        all the sources of the overlapping features can not be
                        found in --source_for_overlapping, all the overlapping
                        features will be kept. Default is keeping all overlap
  • Additional arguments
additional arguments:
                        The 3'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated terminators. Default is 30.
  --tss_tolerance TSS_TOLERANCE, -tt TSS_TOLERANCE
                        The 5'ends of transcripts will be extended or withdrew
                        by this value (nucleotides) for searching the
                        associated TSSs. Default is 5.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Output files

Output gff files are stored in $ANNOgesic/output/merge_all_features. The tag - Parent in the attributes of gff file shows the parent transcript.