Docker image

Docker is a platform for distributing package. It is light and easy to manage. ANNOgesic includes a Dockerfile which is for build up a environment and install all required tools for running ANNOgesic.

Two ways can be used to build or pull Docker image:

  1. You can simply pull the Docker image by running
$ docker pull silasysh/annogesic

2. Alternatively, you can build the image by Dockerfile. Please go to the folder where Dockerfile are located. Then type

$ sudo docker build -t="annogesic" .

It will build up an image called annogesic. You can see the images by typing docker images

Based on different ways of installing docker image of ANNOgesic, the name of the docker image will be different. Pulling from DockerHub is:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
silasysh/annogesic  latest              d35f555694ad        3 days ago          2.782 GB
ubuntu              14.04               d2a0ecffe6fa        11 days ago         188.4 MB

Building Docker image by Dockerfile is:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
annogesic           latest              d35f555694ad        3 days ago          2.782 GB
ubuntu              14.04               d2a0ecffe6fa        11 days ago         188.4 MB

Then we can use the image to create a container for running ANNOgesic. Now, we used silasysh/annogesic to represent Docker image. If you built Docker image by yourself, please replace silasysh/annogesic by annogesic. Please type

$ docker run -t -i silasysh/annogesic bash

Then you will jump into the container.

root@c9de31fcd7e3:~ ls

If you want to mount the files from your host to the container, just add -v to the command.

$ docker run -t -i -v /host/path/target:/file/path/within/container silasysh/annogesic bash

The paths should be absolute path. If we go to root in container. We can see the file.

If you want to copy the files from container to host, you can use cp.

$ docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target

If you have no root permission for running Docker, Singularity is another way to build up the image without root permission.

$ singularity build \
    annogesic.img \

After building Singularity image of ANNOgesic, the user just needs to put the following line before the command that needs to be executed.

singularity exec -B $STORAGE_PATH annogesic.img

Please put the storage path of your home directory to $STORAGE_PATH. df can be used to check the storage system.